Los ingresos financieros por implementación de agentes corresponsales y su influencia en la rentabilidad del banco de la nación, agencia 2 Celendín - Cajamarca, periodo 2014-2016
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La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, analizar si los ingresos financieros por la implementación de agentes corresponsales sobre la rentabilidad del Banco de la Nación, Agencia 2 Provincia de Celendín - Cajamarca, en el periodo 2014 - 2016. Es una investigación enmarcada dentro del enfoque cuantitativo, y de acuerdo a los datos manejados es de tipo transversal, según su alcance es descriptiva, correlacional y explicativa. Los métodos utilizados fueron el inductivo-deductivo y el analítico-sintético.
La población de estudio estuvo compuesta por Agencia 2 del Banco de la Nación y sus agentes corresponsales de la provincia de Celendín, departamento de Cajamarca y la muestra estuvo representada por los agentes corresponsales.
The objective of this research was to analyze whether the financial income from the implementation of correspondent agents on the profitability of Banco de la Nación, Agency 2 Province of Celendín - Cajamarca, in the period 2014 - 2016. It is a research framed within the quantitative approach , and according to the data handled, it is of a transversal nature, according to its scope it is descriptive, correlational and explanatory. The methods used were the inductive-deductive and the analytic-synthetic. The study population was composed of Agency 2 of the Banco de la Nación and its correspondent agents of the province of Celendín, department of Cajamarca and the sample was represented by correspondent agents.
The objective of this research was to analyze whether the financial income from the implementation of correspondent agents on the profitability of Banco de la Nación, Agency 2 Province of Celendín - Cajamarca, in the period 2014 - 2016. It is a research framed within the quantitative approach , and according to the data handled, it is of a transversal nature, according to its scope it is descriptive, correlational and explanatory. The methods used were the inductive-deductive and the analytic-synthetic. The study population was composed of Agency 2 of the Banco de la Nación and its correspondent agents of the province of Celendín, department of Cajamarca and the sample was represented by correspondent agents.
Sistema financiero, Banca, Agentes, Rentabilidad económica y financiera, Financial system, Banking, Agents, Economic and financial profitability