El leasing financiero y su influencia en la rentabilidad de la mypes del sector industrial en Chorrillos 2017
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Varias organizaciones financieras son muy escépticos con brindar el Leasing Financiero a las Mypes para poder financiar la compra de activos, debido que gran parte de las Mypes, no tienen una estructura adecuada, ni un manejo empresarial serio, sin embargo existen otras que sí, las cuales mediante el Leasing podrán aumentar su rendimiento.
El objetivo de este estudio es determinar si la aplicación del Leasing Financiero en las Mypes, es factible y si estás podrían aumentar su rendimiento. Con este fin, la pregunta de investigación es la siguiente: ¿De qué manera el Leasing Financiero influye en la Rentabilidad de las Mypes del Sector Industrial en el Distrito de Chorrillos– Lima, año 2017?.
Several financial organizations are very skeptical about providing Mypes with Financial Leasing to be able to finance the purchase of assets, due to the fact that a large part of Mypes do not have an adequate structure or serious business management, however there are others that do, and which through Leasing may increase their performance. The objective of this study is to determine if the application of Financial Leasing in Mypes is feasible and if you could increase your performance. To this end, the research question is as follows: How does Financial Leasing influence the profitability of Mypes in the Industrial Sector in the Chorrillos-Lima District, 2017?
Several financial organizations are very skeptical about providing Mypes with Financial Leasing to be able to finance the purchase of assets, due to the fact that a large part of Mypes do not have an adequate structure or serious business management, however there are others that do, and which through Leasing may increase their performance. The objective of this study is to determine if the application of Financial Leasing in Mypes is feasible and if you could increase your performance. To this end, the research question is as follows: How does Financial Leasing influence the profitability of Mypes in the Industrial Sector in the Chorrillos-Lima District, 2017?
Arrendamiento, Arrendamiento financiero, Arrendamiento operativo, Rentabilidad, Rentabilidad operativa, Leasing, Financial lease, Operanting lease, Cost effectiveness, Operating profitability