Ciclo económico del pbi peruano y su relación con los ciclos de EEUU y China 1960-2015
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente tesis aborda las relaciones entre los ciclos económicos de Perú, EEUU y China en el periodo 1960-2015 teniendo como objetivo principal determinar el grado de asociación entre el ciclo económico de Perú con el ciclo de EEUU y China de forma independiente a fin de explicar la influencia de estos ciclos en el crecimiento económico peruano. El análisis se divide en 4 subperiodos en donde se observa periodos de alta y baja sincronización los cuales están ligados con las políticas económicas adoptadas.
This thesis deals with the relations between the economic cycles of Peru, the US and China in the 1960-2015 period, with the main objective of determining the degree of association between the economic cycle of Peru with the US and China cycle independently in order to explain the influence of these cycles on Peruvian economic growth. The analysis is divided into 4 sub-periods where periods of high and low synchronization are observed, which are linked to the economic policies adopted.
This thesis deals with the relations between the economic cycles of Peru, the US and China in the 1960-2015 period, with the main objective of determining the degree of association between the economic cycle of Peru with the US and China cycle independently in order to explain the influence of these cycles on Peruvian economic growth. The analysis is divided into 4 sub-periods where periods of high and low synchronization are observed, which are linked to the economic policies adopted.
Ciclo económico, Regresión, Correlación, Sincronización, Economic cycle, Regression, Correlation, Synchronization