Resiliecia en adolescentes del 2do grado de secundaria de una institución educativa pública en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, 2017
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La presente investigación; es de diseño cuantitativo, no experimental de tipo descriptivo. El objetivo general es determinar el factor de resiliencia en los adolescentes del 2do grado de secundaria de las secciones “A” y “C” de una institución educativa pública ubicada en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, la población estuvo compuesta por 60 estudiantes entre hombres y mujeres, con edades que fluctúan entre 13 a 15 años. El instrumento de medición y evaluación que se utilizó como referencia fue la escala de Resiliencia (E.R.) de Wagnild y Young, adaptada al español por Novella (2002)
The investigation is non-experimental quantitative design of descriptive type. In which the general objective is determine resistance factor in adolescents of the 2nd grade of secondary of sections "a" and "c" of an educational institution located in the district of “San Juan de Lurigancho”, it was composed of 60 students of both sexes with ages ranging from 13 to 15 years old. The instrument of measurement and evaluation that used the scale of Resilience (E.R. of Wagnild and Young, adapted to Spanish by Novella (2002)
The investigation is non-experimental quantitative design of descriptive type. In which the general objective is determine resistance factor in adolescents of the 2nd grade of secondary of sections "a" and "c" of an educational institution located in the district of “San Juan de Lurigancho”, it was composed of 60 students of both sexes with ages ranging from 13 to 15 years old. The instrument of measurement and evaluation that used the scale of Resilience (E.R. of Wagnild and Young, adapted to Spanish by Novella (2002)
Resiliencia, Adolescentes, Estudiantes, Confianza en sí mismo, Sentirse bien solo, Resilience, Adolescents, Students, Self-confidence, Feel good alone