Cuidados de enfermería en paciente con cáncer gástrico en el Hospital Víctor Ramos Guardia- Huaraz, 2017
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente trabajo está enfocado en el proceso de atención de enfermería (PAE) realizado en el hospital Víctor Ramos Guardia – Huaraz en el servicio de Emergencia.
Con base en los supuestos de la teoría de Martha Rogers y el diseño de la guía de valoración con dominios y clases, se implementó el proceso de atención de enfermería a una paciente adulta con cáncer de estómago. Durante dicho proceso se privilegió la atención holística con la prioridad de otorgar cuidados centrados en el logro de resultados, a partir de la interrelación NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association). La experiencia permitió una mejor comprensión de la paciente con cáncer como un ser humano unitario, así como un nuevo planteamiento sobre la toma de decisiones en el cuidado y en la aplicación de un pensamiento lateral para la resolución de problemas en la línea de la colaboración y con participación entre la familia, el paciente y la enfermera. En ese sentido, este artículo es una invitación a la reflexión
en el actuar e interactuar como personas y como seres humanos únicos e indivisibles.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal brindar y proporcionar una adecuada atención que logre satisfacer las necesidades del paciente, restableciendo así el estado físico, mental y social del paciente para que se reincorpore a la sociedad.
Finalizando mi proceso de atención de enfermería, espero que los datos contenidos sirvan para el progreso y riqueza de los conocimientos científicos para mi carrera profesional
The present work is focused on the nursing care process (PAE) carried out at the Victor RamosGuardia - Huaraz hospital in the Emergency service. Based on the assumptions of Martha Rogers theory and the design of the assessment guide with domains and classes, the nursing care process was implemented to an adult patient with stomach cancer. During this process, holistic care was prioritized with the priority of providing care focused on achieving results, based on the NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association). Interrelationship. The experience allowed for a better understanding of the cancer patient as a unitary human being, as well as a new approach to decision making in the care and application of lateral thinking for problem solving in the line of collaboration and With participation between the family, the patient and the nurse. In that sense, this article is an invitation to reflect on acting and interacting as individuals and as unique and indivisible human beings. The main objective of this work is to provide and provide an adequate care that satisfies the needs of the patient, thus restoring the patient's physical, mental and social state to reintegrate into society Ending my nursing care process, I hope that the data contained will serve the progress andwealth of scientific knowledge for my career
The present work is focused on the nursing care process (PAE) carried out at the Victor RamosGuardia - Huaraz hospital in the Emergency service. Based on the assumptions of Martha Rogers theory and the design of the assessment guide with domains and classes, the nursing care process was implemented to an adult patient with stomach cancer. During this process, holistic care was prioritized with the priority of providing care focused on achieving results, based on the NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association). Interrelationship. The experience allowed for a better understanding of the cancer patient as a unitary human being, as well as a new approach to decision making in the care and application of lateral thinking for problem solving in the line of collaboration and With participation between the family, the patient and the nurse. In that sense, this article is an invitation to reflect on acting and interacting as individuals and as unique and indivisible human beings. The main objective of this work is to provide and provide an adequate care that satisfies the needs of the patient, thus restoring the patient's physical, mental and social state to reintegrate into society Ending my nursing care process, I hope that the data contained will serve the progress andwealth of scientific knowledge for my career
Cáncer gástrico, Factores de riego, Atención de enfermería, Atención dirigida al paciente, Enfermería holística, Gastric cancer, Irrigation factors, Nursing care, Patient care, Holistic nursing