El Ausentismo laboral en los colaboradores de las oficinas centrales de Saga Falabella, de San Isidro durante el periodo 2019
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el nivel de ausentismo de los
colaboradores de las Oficinas Centrales de Saga Falabella, de San Isidro durante el periodo
2019. El estudio corresponde a una investigación de tipo descriptiva, de nivel básica y con
un enfoque cuantitativo en relación con el manejo de los datos. El diseño de la investigación
es no experimental, de corte transversal.
La población está conformada por 168 trabajadores de las oficinas principales de Saga
Falabella, de la cual se tomó una muestra de 69 trabajadores. La técnica empleada para la
recolección de la información fue la encuesta y el instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario,
la cual evalúa tres dimensiones del ausentismo laboral: dimensión empresarial, dimensión
individual y dimensión social.
La conclusión a la que se llegó fue que el ausentismo laboral en los colaboradores de las
oficinas centrales de Saga Falabella es alto en un 59%, con relación a los factores
estudiados que contribuyen a aumentar la insatisfacción de los trabajadores y crean un
ambiente laboral inapropiado.
The objective of this research is to determine the level of absenteeism of the workers of the Saga Falabella Headquarters in San Isidro during the 2019 period. The study corresponds to a descriptive, basic level research with a quantitative approach in relation with the handling of the data. The research design is non-experimental, cross-sectional. The population is made up of 168 workers from the main offices of Saga Falabella, from which a sample of 69 workers was taken. The technique used to collect the information was the survey and the instrument used was the questionnaire, which evaluates three dimensions of work absenteeism: business dimension, individual dimension and social dimension. The conclusion reached was that labor absenteeism in the workers of the Saga Falabella headquarters is high by 59%, in relation to the factors studied that contribute to increase the dissatisfaction of workers and create an inappropriate work environment.
The objective of this research is to determine the level of absenteeism of the workers of the Saga Falabella Headquarters in San Isidro during the 2019 period. The study corresponds to a descriptive, basic level research with a quantitative approach in relation with the handling of the data. The research design is non-experimental, cross-sectional. The population is made up of 168 workers from the main offices of Saga Falabella, from which a sample of 69 workers was taken. The technique used to collect the information was the survey and the instrument used was the questionnaire, which evaluates three dimensions of work absenteeism: business dimension, individual dimension and social dimension. The conclusion reached was that labor absenteeism in the workers of the Saga Falabella headquarters is high by 59%, in relation to the factors studied that contribute to increase the dissatisfaction of workers and create an inappropriate work environment.
Ausentismo, Trabajadores, Bienestar, Productividad, Enfermedad, Absenteeism, Workers, Welfare, Productivity, Illness