Broker virtual y el incremento de las exportaciones de las pymes en el sector textil del emporio gamarra
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
En los últimos años venimos experimentando cambios gracias a la globalización, como resultado hemos obtenido primordiales progresos en la tecnología y buscando necesariamente la expansión de supuración del comercio mundial. Por lo cual, se han tenido innovaciones al área de telecomunicaciones y la informática, con la aplastante llegada del internet, jugándose un rol concluyente en el levantamiento de un planeta globalizador.
In recent years, we have been experiencing several changes thanks to globalization; as a result, we have obtained the first progress through technology and necessarily looking for the expansion of the suppuration of trade worldwide. Therefore, there have been innovations in the area of telecommunications and information technology, with the overwhelming arrival of the Internet, playing a conclusive role in the rise of a globalizing planet.
In recent years, we have been experiencing several changes thanks to globalization; as a result, we have obtained the first progress through technology and necessarily looking for the expansion of the suppuration of trade worldwide. Therefore, there have been innovations in the area of telecommunications and information technology, with the overwhelming arrival of the Internet, playing a conclusive role in the rise of a globalizing planet.
Globalización, Comercio electrónico, Exportación, Pymes, Bróker, Plataforma virtual, Globalization, E-commerce, Internet, Export, Smes, Broker, Increase, Virtual platform