Influencia de la capacitación en el desarrollo del capital humano de la empresa almacenes Santa Clara S.A., Lima, 2019
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente tesis titulada: “Influencia de la Capacitación en el Desarrollo del Capital Humano de la Empresa Almacenes Santa Clara S.A, Lima 2019” es de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo aplicada, de nivel descriptivo correlacional y diseño no experimental.
La población de la investigación estuvo constituida por 209 trabajadores de la empresa, la muestra fue determinada de manera probabilística obteniendo un resultado de 135 personas. Para recolectar los datos respecto al comportamiento de las variables Capacitación y Capital Humano, se eligió como técnica de recolección de datos la encuesta y se empleó como instrumento de recolección de datos un cuestionario el cual estuvo constituido por 18 ítems con escala de valoración de Likert. El análisis de resultados se realizó mediante el empleo de codificación y tabulación de la información, una vez que la información fue tabulada y ordenada se sometió a un proceso de análisis
y/o tratamiento mediante técnicas de carácter estadístico.
La presentación de los resultados fue mediante tablas y gráficos, posteriormente para contrastar la hipótesis se aplicó la técnica estadística Chi cuadrado, demostrando la hipótesis general donde la Capacitación se relaciona directa y positivamente con el Capital Humano de la empresa la empresa Almacenes Santa Clara. Finalmente se presenta conclusiones y recomendaciones como propuestas del estudio.
The present thesis entitled: INFLUENCE OF TRAINING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY ALMACENES SANTA CLARA S.A, LIMA 2019 "is a quantitative approach, applied type, correlational level and nonexperimental design. The research population was constituted by 209 workers of the company; the sample was determined probabilistically obtaining a result of 135 people. In order to collect the data regarding the behavior of the variables training and human capital, the survey was chosen as the data collection technique and a questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument, which consisted of 18 items with a Likert rating scale. The analysis of results was done using the coding and tabulation of the information, once the information was tabulated and ordered in a process of analysis and / or treatment using statistical techniques. The presentation of the results with tables and graphs, then to contrast the hypotheses are applied to the statistical technique Chi square, demonstrating the general hypothesis where the training is related directly and positively with the human capital of the company Almacenes Santa Clara Finally, conclusions and recommendations are presented as study proposals.
The present thesis entitled: INFLUENCE OF TRAINING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY ALMACENES SANTA CLARA S.A, LIMA 2019 "is a quantitative approach, applied type, correlational level and nonexperimental design. The research population was constituted by 209 workers of the company; the sample was determined probabilistically obtaining a result of 135 people. In order to collect the data regarding the behavior of the variables training and human capital, the survey was chosen as the data collection technique and a questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument, which consisted of 18 items with a Likert rating scale. The analysis of results was done using the coding and tabulation of the information, once the information was tabulated and ordered in a process of analysis and / or treatment using statistical techniques. The presentation of the results with tables and graphs, then to contrast the hypotheses are applied to the statistical technique Chi square, demonstrating the general hypothesis where the training is related directly and positively with the human capital of the company Almacenes Santa Clara Finally, conclusions and recommendations are presented as study proposals.
Eficiencia, Gestión, Calidad, Servicio, Organización, Control, Evaluación, Efficiency