Conocimiento de la enfermera y prevención de neumonía por ventilación mecánica en neonatos de la unidad de cuidados intensivos. hospital Guillermo Kaelin de la fuente.2017
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente trabajo académico se enfatiza sobre el conocimiento de la enfermera y prevención de neumonía por ventilación mecánica en neonatos de la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital Guillermo Kaelin de la Fuente en el 2017. En el año 2016 hubo un incremento de complicaciones como es la neumonía a causa del uso prolongado del ventilador mecánico, perjudicando la adecuada recuperación del neonato y generando gastos de hospitalización al estado peruano. Por lo cual se plantea como objetivo general establecer la relación existente entre el conocimiento de la enfermera y la prevención de neumonía por ventilación mecánica en neonatos, en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. La metodología que se usará en la investigación será de tipo correlacional, con nivel descriptivo y correlacionado, método hipotético - deductivo y diseño no experimental y transeccional
The present academic work is emphasized on the knowledge of the nurse and prevention of pneumonia for mechanical ventilation in neonates of the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Hospital Guillermo Kaelin de la Fuente in 2017. In the 2016, there was an increase of complications such as pneumonia due to the prolonged use of the mechanical ventilator, which impairs the appropriate recovery of the neonate and generated high costs to the Peruvian State. For which reason is proposed as general target, to establish the relation between the knowledge of the nurse and the prevention of pneumonia for mechanical ventilation in neonates in ICU. The methodology to be used in the research will be correlational type with descriptive and correlated level, hypothetical-deductive method and no-experimental and cross-sectional design
The present academic work is emphasized on the knowledge of the nurse and prevention of pneumonia for mechanical ventilation in neonates of the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Hospital Guillermo Kaelin de la Fuente in 2017. In the 2016, there was an increase of complications such as pneumonia due to the prolonged use of the mechanical ventilator, which impairs the appropriate recovery of the neonate and generated high costs to the Peruvian State. For which reason is proposed as general target, to establish the relation between the knowledge of the nurse and the prevention of pneumonia for mechanical ventilation in neonates in ICU. The methodology to be used in the research will be correlational type with descriptive and correlated level, hypothetical-deductive method and no-experimental and cross-sectional design
Bioseguridad, Neonato, Neumonía, Unidad de cuidados intensivos, Ventilación mecánica, Biosafety, Neonate, Pneumonia, Intensive care unit, Mechanical ventilator