Liderazgo estratégico y su relación con el trabajo en equipo en las facultades de la Universidad Nacional del Callao
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación reporta los resultados de la relación entre el liderazgo
estratégico y el trabajo en equipo de los docentes de la Universidad Nacional del Callao.
Se trabajó con una muestra de 225 docentes de las carreras profesionales;
administrándoles los instrumentos: cuestionario de liderazgo estratégico y el
cuestionario de trabajo en equipo. El objetivo general fue establecer la relación entre el
liderazgo estratégico y el trabajo en equipo en los docentes de la Universidad Nacional
del Callao.
El marco teórico de las variables está elaborado por una amplia fuente bibliográfica que
sustenta y explica mediante criterios teóricos y metodológicos del objeto de estudio de
La hipótesis formula si existe una relación directa entre el liderazgo estratégico y el
trabajo en equipo en los docentes de la Universidad Nacional del Callao. El diseño fue
descriptivo correlacional. Las variables fueron: liderazgo estratégico y trabajo en
equipo. Los datos se organizaron y sistematizaron mediante un análisis estadístico
aplicándose el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson (r), con un nivel de significancia de
Las conclusiones indican que si existe una relación directa entre el liderazgo estratégico
y el trabajo en equipo en los docentes de la Universidad Nacional del Callao. En la
hipótesis general se encontró que existe una relación directa entre el liderazgo
estratégico y el trabajo en equipo en los docentes de la Universidad Nacional del Callao,
mientras que en las hipótesis específicas no se encontró relación significativa entre el
liderazgo estratégico con los dimensiones del trabajo en equipo.
The present research introduce the results of the relationship between strategic leadership and the teamwork of the professors of Universidad Nacional del Callao. It’s been worked with a sample of 225 professors of all professional careers of Universidad Nacional del Callao; giving them two instruments: a survey of strategic leadership and the other about teamwork. The main aim was to explore what is the relation between these two variables within the work of professors, whether teaching or non-teaching. Hypotheses are presented to see if there is a significant relationship between the variables “strategic leadership and the teamwork within the professors of Universidad Nacional del Callao”. The theoretical framework of the variables has been made by extensive literative source, which underpins, explains and allows to establish the theoretical and methodological criteria of the aim of this research. This research has followed the descriptive correlational design. The sample size is obtained as a representative group, considering the application of the sampling probabilistic estimation formula, making the estimating proportions and sample adjustment, setting a sample of 225 professors. The variables to relate were; as independent, strategic leadership and dependent, teamwork. The data was organized and sytematized by an statistical analysis applying the Pearson correlation coefficient(r), concluding that there is a direct relationship between strategic leadership and the teamwork of the professors of Universidad Nacional del Callao. In the general hypothesis, it was found that there is a direct relationship between strategic leadership and the teamwork of the professors of Universidad Nacional del Callao, while in the specific hypotheses it was not found a significant relationship between strategic leadership and teamwork dimensions.
The present research introduce the results of the relationship between strategic leadership and the teamwork of the professors of Universidad Nacional del Callao. It’s been worked with a sample of 225 professors of all professional careers of Universidad Nacional del Callao; giving them two instruments: a survey of strategic leadership and the other about teamwork. The main aim was to explore what is the relation between these two variables within the work of professors, whether teaching or non-teaching. Hypotheses are presented to see if there is a significant relationship between the variables “strategic leadership and the teamwork within the professors of Universidad Nacional del Callao”. The theoretical framework of the variables has been made by extensive literative source, which underpins, explains and allows to establish the theoretical and methodological criteria of the aim of this research. This research has followed the descriptive correlational design. The sample size is obtained as a representative group, considering the application of the sampling probabilistic estimation formula, making the estimating proportions and sample adjustment, setting a sample of 225 professors. The variables to relate were; as independent, strategic leadership and dependent, teamwork. The data was organized and sytematized by an statistical analysis applying the Pearson correlation coefficient(r), concluding that there is a direct relationship between strategic leadership and the teamwork of the professors of Universidad Nacional del Callao. In the general hypothesis, it was found that there is a direct relationship between strategic leadership and the teamwork of the professors of Universidad Nacional del Callao, while in the specific hypotheses it was not found a significant relationship between strategic leadership and teamwork dimensions.
Liderazgo estratégico, Trabajo en equipo, Strategic leadership, Teamwork