Factores socioeconómicos que influyen en la incidencia de pacientes con tuberculosis del Centro de Salud San Genaro de Villa de Chorrillos, periodo 2019
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación llevada a cabo en el Centro de Salud San Genaro de Villa
de Chorrillos, tiene por objetivo conocer aquellos factores socioeconómicos que influyen
en la incidencia de tuberculosis en los pacientes del Programa de Control y Prevención de
la Tuberculosis, empleando una metodología cuantitativa de corte transversal.
El universo de la población se conforma por 42 pacientes del Programa de Control y
Prevención de la Tuberculosis, del Centro de Salud San Genaro de Villa de Chorrillos en la
ciudad de Lima. La muestra es de 40 personas, comprendidas entre los 18 a 95 años de
edad, la técnica utilizada para la recolección de información fue la encuesta y el
instrumento manejado fue el cuestionario de factores socioeconómicos, el cual fue validado
a prueba de confiabilidad por profesionales.
Se establece como conclusión que los factores socioeconómicos de los pacientes con
tuberculosis del Centro de Salud San Genaro de Villa es de nivel promedio en un 90%,
debido en su mayoría las personas no cuentan con un trabajo fijo, por lo que su economía
se ve afectada, no llevan una alimentación adecuada por lo que también influye en el bajo
rendimiento en sus trabajos o acciones cotidianas de su hogar, además no cuentan con
estudios superiores al escolar y no se encuentran satisfechos con su vivienda en donde
habitan por carecer de comodidades.
The present investigation carried out in the Center of Health San Genaro of Villa de Chorrillos, has for objective to know those socioeconomic factors that are influencing in the incidence of tuberculosis in the patients of the Program of Control and Prevention of the Tuberculosis, using a quantitative methodology of cross section. The universe of the population is made up of 42 patients from the Tuberculosis Control and Prevention Program of the San Genaro Health Center of Villa de Chorrillos in the city of Lima. The sample is of 40 people, included between 18 to 95 years of age, the technique used for the collection of information was the survey and the instrument used was the questionnaire of socioeconomic factors, which was validated and submitted to reliability test. It is established as a conclusion that the socio-economic factors of patients with tuberculosis at the San Genaro de Villa Health Center is of average level by 90%, due to the fact that most people do not have a fixed job, so their economy is is affected, do not have adequate food so it also affects the low performance of their jobs or everyday actions in their home, they also do not have higher education than the school and are not satisfied with their home where they live for lack of amenities.
The present investigation carried out in the Center of Health San Genaro of Villa de Chorrillos, has for objective to know those socioeconomic factors that are influencing in the incidence of tuberculosis in the patients of the Program of Control and Prevention of the Tuberculosis, using a quantitative methodology of cross section. The universe of the population is made up of 42 patients from the Tuberculosis Control and Prevention Program of the San Genaro Health Center of Villa de Chorrillos in the city of Lima. The sample is of 40 people, included between 18 to 95 years of age, the technique used for the collection of information was the survey and the instrument used was the questionnaire of socioeconomic factors, which was validated and submitted to reliability test. It is established as a conclusion that the socio-economic factors of patients with tuberculosis at the San Genaro de Villa Health Center is of average level by 90%, due to the fact that most people do not have a fixed job, so their economy is is affected, do not have adequate food so it also affects the low performance of their jobs or everyday actions in their home, they also do not have higher education than the school and are not satisfied with their home where they live for lack of amenities.
Incidencia, Tuberculosis, Socioeconómico, Pacientes, Incidence, Tuberculosis, Socioeconomic, Patients