La unión de hecho y el reconocimiento del derecho al régimen de la sociedad de gananciales
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Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación titulada LA UNIÓN DE HECHO Y EL RECONOCIMIENTO DEL DERECHO AL RÉGIMEN DE LA SOCIEDAD DE GANACIALES, tiene como objetivo Determinar si la unión de hecho garantiza el reconocimiento del derecho al régimen de la sociedad de gananciales. Por ello se utilizó para alcanzar dicho objetivo el método deductivo, inductivo y descriptivo y un diseño no experimental, asimismo se aplicó la encuesta a una población constituida por 135 Jueces y Fiscales especializados en materia de familia. En este trabajo no se calculó el tamaño de la muestra y se trabajó con toda la población.
En cuanto al instrumento de recolección de datos tenemos a la encuesta que constó de 13 ítems de tipo cerrado, los mismos que se vaciaron en cuadros en donde se calcularon las frecuencias y porcentajes, complementándose con el análisis e interpretación de los resultados, lo cual nos permitió contrastar las hipótesis. Finalmente se concluyó y recomendó en estrecha relación con los problemas, objetivos e hipótesis planteadas.
The research titled THE UNION OF FACT AND THE RIGHT TO RECOGNITION SYSTEM SOCIETY GANACIALES, aims to determine whether the common-law guarantees the recognition of the right to the regime of community of property. It was used to achieve that objective deductive, inductive and descriptive non-experimental method and design, also the survey of a population consisting of 135 judges and prosecutors specialized in family matters was applied. In this paper, the sample size was not calculated and worked with the entire population. Regarding the data collection instrument have the survey consisted of 13 closed-end items, which were emptied them in boxes where the frequencies and percentages were calculated, complemented by the analysis and interpretation of results, which we allowed the hypotheses. Finally she concluded and recommended closely with the problems, objectives and hypotheses.
The research titled THE UNION OF FACT AND THE RIGHT TO RECOGNITION SYSTEM SOCIETY GANACIALES, aims to determine whether the common-law guarantees the recognition of the right to the regime of community of property. It was used to achieve that objective deductive, inductive and descriptive non-experimental method and design, also the survey of a population consisting of 135 judges and prosecutors specialized in family matters was applied. In this paper, the sample size was not calculated and worked with the entire population. Regarding the data collection instrument have the survey consisted of 13 closed-end items, which were emptied them in boxes where the frequencies and percentages were calculated, complemented by the analysis and interpretation of results, which we allowed the hypotheses. Finally she concluded and recommended closely with the problems, objectives and hypotheses.
Abandono emocional, Convivencia, Concubinato, Unión de hecho, Unión de derecho, Emotional neglect, Cohabitation, Concubinage, Union, Union law