Factores que determinan en el embarazo de adolescentes de 12 a 17 años atendidas en el hospital nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión del Callao, 2017
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El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar los factores que determinan en el embarazo en adolescente de 12 a 17 años, atendidas en el Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión del Callao, en el periodo 2017.
La investigación tiene un enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, es de tipo descriptiva, de diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. Para la obtención de los datos estadísticos se utilizó como técnica la encuesta y como instrumento se utilizó la Escala de Madres Adolescentes según Canales (2002), previamente adaptada.
The objective of this research is to determine the factors that affect early pregnancy in adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, treated at the Daniel Alcides Carrión del Callao National Hospital, in the period 2017. The research has a qualitative-quantitative approach, is descriptive, non-experimental and cross-sectional in design. To obtain the statistical data, the survey used the Scale of Adolescent Mothers, according to Canales (2002) previously adapted.
The objective of this research is to determine the factors that affect early pregnancy in adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, treated at the Daniel Alcides Carrión del Callao National Hospital, in the period 2017. The research has a qualitative-quantitative approach, is descriptive, non-experimental and cross-sectional in design. To obtain the statistical data, the survey used the Scale of Adolescent Mothers, according to Canales (2002) previously adapted.
Adolescente, Embarazo, Vida personal, Vida familiar, Factor social, Adolescent, Pregnancy, Personal life, Family life, Social factor