Apoyo familiar percibido por los asistentes del centro integral de atención al adulto mayor del distrito de Santa Anita en la ciudad de Lima,2018
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La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el nivel de apoyo familiar percibido por los asistentes del CIAM del Distrito de Santa Anita. El estudio es de tipo descriptivo, con un diseño no experimental y con un enfoque cuantitativo de acuerdo a los datos.
La población lo comprenden los adultos mayores y la muestra está representada por 30 adultos, el instrumento utilizado para la recolección de datos fue un cuestionario elaborado para medir el nivel de apoyo familiar, el cual ha sido validado por el juicio de 3 jueces expertos quienes en base a su pericia han evaluado el Cuestionario de Participación educativa bajo los criterios: intencionalidad, suficiencia, consistencia, coherencia, pertinencia, y claridad.
Se establece como conclusión que: El nivel de apoyo familiar percibido representó un nivel alto de 73. 3%, es decir que el soporte percibido les permite vivir tranquilos.
The objective of this research is to determine the level of family support perceived by the CIAM attendees of the Santa Anita District. The study is of a descriptive type, with a non-experimental design and with a quantitative approach according to the data. The population is comprised by the elderly and the sample is represented by 30 adults, the instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire designed to measure the level of family support, which has been validated by the trial of 3 expert judges who in based on their expertise they have evaluated the Educational Participation Questionnaire under the criteria: intentionality, sufficiency, consistency, coherence, relevance, and clarity. It is established as a conclusion that: The perceived level of family support represented a high level of 73.3%, that is, the perceived support allows them to live in peace.
The objective of this research is to determine the level of family support perceived by the CIAM attendees of the Santa Anita District. The study is of a descriptive type, with a non-experimental design and with a quantitative approach according to the data. The population is comprised by the elderly and the sample is represented by 30 adults, the instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire designed to measure the level of family support, which has been validated by the trial of 3 expert judges who in based on their expertise they have evaluated the Educational Participation Questionnaire under the criteria: intentionality, sufficiency, consistency, coherence, relevance, and clarity. It is established as a conclusion that: The perceived level of family support represented a high level of 73.3%, that is, the perceived support allows them to live in peace.
Apoyo familiar, Afectivo consistente, Adaptación familiar, Autonomía familiar, Adulto mayor, Family support, Consistent affective, Family adaptation, Family autonomy, Older adult