Cuidado de enfermería a paciente con toracocentesis, hospital III essalud Juliaca – 2018
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Los pacientes hospitalizados requieren de cuidados continuos y oportunos por parte de los profesionales enfermeros los mismos que deben estar basados en la aplicación del conocimiento científico, con la capacidad técnica y el sentimiento humano en el cuidado brindado.
Hospitalized patients require continuous and timely care by nursing professionals, which must be based on the application of scientific knowledge, with the technical capacity and human feeling in the care provided
Hospitalized patients require continuous and timely care by nursing professionals, which must be based on the application of scientific knowledge, with the technical capacity and human feeling in the care provided
Hospitalized patients require continuous and timely care by nursing professionals, which must be based on the application of scientific knowledge, with the technical capacity and human feeling in the care provided
Hospitalized patients require continuous and timely care by nursing professionals, which must be based on the application of scientific knowledge, with the technical capacity and human feeling in the care provided
Cuidados de enfermería, Deterioro del intercambio gaseoso, Ansiedad, Cuidado humanizado, Nursing care, Deterioration of gas exchange, Anxiety, Humanized care