Calidad de vida en los adolescentes de la comunidad Champamarca distrito Simón Bolívar - Cerro de Pasco 2017
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente estudio, de tipo descriptivo y diseño no experimental, tiene como
objetivo general determinar el factor de Calidad de vida de los Adolescentes en
la comunidad de Champamarca- distrito Simón Bolivar - Cerro de Pasco. El
instrumento que se utilizó fue el Modelo con enfoque multidimensional de Calidad
de Vida elaborada por Sharlock y Verdugo, compuesto por ocho dimensiones
(2004). La muestra estuvo comprendida por 42 adolescentes de ambos sexos,
entre los 13 a 19 años, se utilizó un muestreo censal.
El procesamiento de la información se dio mediante el programa estadístico
SPSS. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron un 60.94% de los adolescentes
consideran que la calidad de vida en el factor de bienestar material es
“desfavorable” y el 33.85% consideran que en el factor mencionado es favorable;
de igual manera se obtuvieron resultados de los siete factores que comprenden
la Calidad de Vida, los cuales todos obtuvieron un alto porcentaje “favorable”. En
base a este estudio se elaboró un programa de intervención llamado “Creciendo
juntos hacemos futuro” con el objetivo de aumentar las realidades de vida de los
adolescentes de la Comunidad de Champamarca, mediante el desarrollo de
habilidades y conocimientos adquiridos en las capacitaciones de formación
laboral brindadas.
The present study, of descriptive type and non experimental design, has as general objective to determine the factor of Quality of life of the Adolescents in the community of Champamarca - Simón Bolivar district - Cerro de Pasco. The instrument that was used was the Model with multidimensional approach of Quality of Life elaborated by Sharlock and Verdugo, composed by eight dimensions (2004). The sample consisted of 42 adolescents of both sexes, between 13 to 19 years old, a census sampling was used. The processing of the information was done through the statistical program SPSS. The results obtained showed that 60.94% of the adolescents consider that the quality of life in the factor of material well-being and "unfavorable" and 33.85% consider that in the aforementioned factor is favorable; Likewise, results were obtained from the seven factors that comprise the Quality of Life, which all had a high "favorable" percentage. Based on this study an intervention program called "Growing together we make future" was elaborated with the objective of improving the living conditions of the adolescents of the Champamarca Community, through the development of skills and knowledge acquired in the training of labor training provided.
The present study, of descriptive type and non experimental design, has as general objective to determine the factor of Quality of life of the Adolescents in the community of Champamarca - Simón Bolivar district - Cerro de Pasco. The instrument that was used was the Model with multidimensional approach of Quality of Life elaborated by Sharlock and Verdugo, composed by eight dimensions (2004). The sample consisted of 42 adolescents of both sexes, between 13 to 19 years old, a census sampling was used. The processing of the information was done through the statistical program SPSS. The results obtained showed that 60.94% of the adolescents consider that the quality of life in the factor of material well-being and "unfavorable" and 33.85% consider that in the aforementioned factor is favorable; Likewise, results were obtained from the seven factors that comprise the Quality of Life, which all had a high "favorable" percentage. Based on this study an intervention program called "Growing together we make future" was elaborated with the objective of improving the living conditions of the adolescents of the Champamarca Community, through the development of skills and knowledge acquired in the training of labor training provided.
Calidad de vida, Bienestar material, Dimensiones, Investigación, Quality of life, Material wellbeing, Dimensions, Research