Procrastinación académica en estudiantes de 4to y 5to año de secundaria del colegio ingenieros uni sede la Molina, 2018
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La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar los niveles de procrastinación académica en los estudiantes de 4to y 5to año de secundaria de la institución educativa particular ingenieros Uni, sede la molina 2018, la presente investigación es de tipo descriptiva, con diseño no experimental, de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 93 estudiantes de dicha institución de ambos sexos, para la toma de datos se utilizó el cuestionario llamado: Escala de procrastinación académica de Álvarez (2010), versión Domínguez (2017),
The present investigation had as objective to determine the levels of academic procrastination in the students of 4 and 5 years of secondary of the particular educative institution engineers Uni, headquarters the mill 2018, the present investigation is of descriptive type, with non experimental design, of cut cross. The sample was conformed by 93 students of said institution of both sexes, for the taking of data the questionnaire was used called: Scale of academic procrastination of Alvarez (2010), version Dominguez (2017)
The present investigation had as objective to determine the levels of academic procrastination in the students of 4 and 5 years of secondary of the particular educative institution engineers Uni, headquarters the mill 2018, the present investigation is of descriptive type, with non experimental design, of cut cross. The sample was conformed by 93 students of said institution of both sexes, for the taking of data the questionnaire was used called: Scale of academic procrastination of Alvarez (2010), version Dominguez (2017)
Procrastinación académica, Autorregulación, Postergación de actividades, Estudiantes de secundaria y postergar, Academic procrastination, Self-regulation, Postponement of activities, High school students and postpone