De la gestión domestica empresarial hacia nuevas formas de gestión moderna: El caso de análisis y propuesta de la constructora Oscar Wilfredo Luna Castillo- Andahuaylas 2016
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación es de tipo exploratoria- descriptiva con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal, el objetivo principal fue “Conocer y determinar los criterios de organización, gestión, ambiente laboral y los niveles económicos logrados en la Constructora Oscar Wilfredo Luna Castillo (Persona Natural con negocio) Andahuaylas 2016”, se ha considerado tres dimensiones para la variable gestión empresarial. El estudio se aplicó a todos los trabajadores de la empresa en estudio, un total de 25 personas.
Al ser un estudio exploratorio descriptivo, se ha descrito la situación actual de la empresa, así como se ha realizado una encuesta para medir las actitudes de los trabajadores frente a los indicadores que se han realizado el estudio
The present research is an exploratory-descriptive type with a non-experimental cross-sectional design, the main objective of which was "To know and determine the criteria of organization, management, work environment and the economic levels achieved in the Constructora Oscar Wilfredo Luna Castillo With business) Andahuaylas 2016 ", has been considered three dimensions for the variable business management. The study was applied to all workers of the company under study, a total of 25 people. As a descriptive exploratory study, the current situation of the company has been described, as well as a survey to measure the attitudes of workers against the indicators that have been carried out the study
The present research is an exploratory-descriptive type with a non-experimental cross-sectional design, the main objective of which was "To know and determine the criteria of organization, management, work environment and the economic levels achieved in the Constructora Oscar Wilfredo Luna Castillo With business) Andahuaylas 2016 ", has been considered three dimensions for the variable business management. The study was applied to all workers of the company under study, a total of 25 people. As a descriptive exploratory study, the current situation of the company has been described, as well as a survey to measure the attitudes of workers against the indicators that have been carried out the study
Gestión, Administración, Empresa, Management, Administration, Company