Gestión de recursos humanos y el desempeño laboral de sus trabajadores en las unidades de negocios de la empresa de servicios inmobiliarios “los portales”- Lima 2016
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar si, la gestión de recursos humanos guarda relación con el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de las unidades de negocios de la empresa de servicios inmobiliarios “Los Portales” – Lima 2016.
La tesis comprende una investigación no experimental de nivel correlacional, donde se recolectó información a través de un instrumento de medición aplicado a una muestra compuesta por 234 Gerentes administradores y empleados de la Empresa “Los Portales
The research had as a general objective to determine if, the human resources management is related to the labor performance of the workers of the units of business of the Real Estate Services Company “Los Portales” – Lima 2016. The thesis comprises a non-experimental correlational level research, where information was collected through a measurement instrument applied to a sample composed of 234 managers and employees of the company "Los Portales
The research had as a general objective to determine if, the human resources management is related to the labor performance of the workers of the units of business of the Real Estate Services Company “Los Portales” – Lima 2016. The thesis comprises a non-experimental correlational level research, where information was collected through a measurement instrument applied to a sample composed of 234 managers and employees of the company "Los Portales
Gestión, Recursos, Humanos, Desempeño, Laboral y conducta, Management, Resources, Human, Performance, Labor and conduct