Evaluación del efecto del capital de las empresas informales y las políticas municipales en su formalización
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Uno de los grandes problemas en el país y de manera particular en las capitales de
región, de provincia y de algunos distritos es el impacto del crecimiento económico en
la presencia de los pequeños comercios a la que el estado a través de sus organismos ha
venido a llamar MYPES en algunos casos y MIPYMES en otros, los que a la fecha
superan los 3.5 millones, de los cuales 2 millones son informales y 1.5 millones son
formales. Las primeras albergan a más de 12 millones de trabajadores de la PEA, con
todas las formas de informalidad que les permite la sociedad
One of the great problems in the country and particularly in the capitals of the region, province and some districts is the impact of economic growth on the presence of the small businesses that the state through its agencies has come to Call MYPES in some cases and MSMEs in others, which to date exceed 3.5 million, of which 2 million are informal and 1.5 million are formal. The former are home to more than 12 million workers in the EAP, with all forms of informality allowed by society
One of the great problems in the country and particularly in the capitals of the region, province and some districts is the impact of economic growth on the presence of the small businesses that the state through its agencies has come to Call MYPES in some cases and MSMEs in others, which to date exceed 3.5 million, of which 2 million are informal and 1.5 million are formal. The former are home to more than 12 million workers in the EAP, with all forms of informality allowed by society
MYPES, Cadena productiva, IGV, Políticas municipales, Administración, MYPES, Production chain, IGV, Municipal policies, Administration