Cualitativo y cuantitativo de la marcha en el adulto mayor
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El envejecimiento es un proceso natural que involucra todos los sistemas del cuerpo humano, limitando el desarrollo eficaz de las actividades de la vida diaria y una de ellas es la marcha, que nos permite desplazarnos de un lugar a otro. Según van pasando los años los factores predisponentes a conllevar a una alteración en el adulto mayor aumentan así como la población afectada, es por ello que opte enfocarme netamente en el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de la marcha humana. Los adultos mayores disminuyen su capacidad locomotora, iniciando de esta forma un progresivo deterioro del estado funcional físico, psíquico y social.
Aging is a natural process that involves all the systems of the human body, limiting the effective development of activities of daily life and one of them is the march, which allows us to move from one place to another. As the years go by, the predisposing factors to lead to an alteration in the older adult increase as well as the affected population, which is why I choose to focus clearly on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of human progress. Older adults decrease their locomotor capacity, initiating in this way a progressive deterioration of the physical, psychic and social functional state.
Aging is a natural process that involves all the systems of the human body, limiting the effective development of activities of daily life and one of them is the march, which allows us to move from one place to another. As the years go by, the predisposing factors to lead to an alteration in the older adult increase as well as the affected population, which is why I choose to focus clearly on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of human progress. Older adults decrease their locomotor capacity, initiating in this way a progressive deterioration of the physical, psychic and social functional state.
Análisis de la marcha en el adulto mayor, Análisis cualitativo de la marcha, Análisis cuantitativo de la marcha, Factores de caída en el adulto mayor, Métodos analíticos para el adulto mayor, Gait analysis in the elderly, Qualitative analysis of the march, Quantitative analysis of the march, Fall factors in the elderly, Analytical methods for the elderly