Cuidados de enfermería en el recién nacido con ictericia, hospital Víctor Ramos Guardia Huaraz – Julio 2017
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente trabajo académico tuvo como objetivo principal brindar los cuidados de enfermería basados en el proceso de atención de enfermería al recién nacido con ictericia.
La ictericia neonatal se produce al alrededor del 65-70% de los recién nacidos ocurre cuando los niveles de bilirrubina se elevan en un lapso de tiempo corto causando la pigmentación de color amarillo de la piel y esclera de los ojos, progresa en sentido céfalo- caudal; de factores causales múltiples cuyas complicaciones son la encefalopatía aguda y kernicterus complicaciones neurológicas muy severas e irreversibles que ponen en riesgo la vida y el desarrollo de recién nacido.
The main objective of this academic work was to provide nursing care based on the process of nursing care for the newborn with jaundice. Neonatal jaundice occurs to around 65-70% of newborns occurs when bilirubin levels rise in a short time causing the yellow pigmentation of the skin and sclera of the eyes, progresses in a cephalo- flow; of multiple causal factors whose complications are acute encephalopathy and kernicterus very severe and irreversible neurological complications that put at risk the life and development of newborn.
The main objective of this academic work was to provide nursing care based on the process of nursing care for the newborn with jaundice. Neonatal jaundice occurs to around 65-70% of newborns occurs when bilirubin levels rise in a short time causing the yellow pigmentation of the skin and sclera of the eyes, progresses in a cephalo- flow; of multiple causal factors whose complications are acute encephalopathy and kernicterus very severe and irreversible neurological complications that put at risk the life and development of newborn.
Cuidados de enfermería, Recién nacido, Ictericia, Nursing care, Newborn, Jaundice