La gestión administrativa y la formación profesional en función de los estándares del modelo de calidad de educación superior en la carrera profesional de contabilidad de la facultad de ciencias contables y finanzas corporativas de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso De La Vega
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Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente tesis expresa los resultados de un estudio de investigación descriptivo de corte transversal, siendo su objetivo determinar el nivel de cumplimiento de la gestión administrativa, la formación profesional y los servicios de apoyo en función de los estándares del Modelo de Calidad de la Educación Superior Universitaria de la Carrera Profesional de Contabilidad de la Facultad de Ciencias Contables y Finanzas Corporativas de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega realizado en Lima 2014-2015, a una población de 2305 sujetos integrados por autoridades, docentes, estudiantes, egresados y personal administrativo. El tamaño de la muestra estuvo constituido por 604 sujetos de la investigación.
La recolección y tratamiento de la información se realizó utilizando las técnicas de observación, entrevista, encuestas, escala Likert, lista de cotejo y análisis documental, básicamente; para el análisis e interpretación de los datos se aplicaron, en correspondencia con las hipótesis, el análisis porcentual en función de los percentiles, las cuales permitieron determinar el grado o nivel de concentración de los datos con un nivel de 95% de confiabilidad.
Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la prueba de la hipótesis general y las específicas, corroboraron que el cumplimiento de la gestión administrativa, la formación profesional y los servicios de apoyo de la Carrera de Contabilidad está en una perspectiva de mejoramiento.
La investigación realizada ha permitido conocer un estado de situación administrativa, la formación profesional y los servicios de apoyo de una Carrera Profesional en función de estándares de calidad radicando aquí su significatividad e importancia, puesto que los resultados obtenidos servirán de referencia para futuros estudios.
This thesis shows the results of a study of descriptive cross-sectional research, the objective being to determine the level of compliance with the administrative, training and support services based on standards Quality Model of Higher Education Career College Accounting School of Accounting and Corporate Finance at the University Inca Garcilaso de la Vega in Lima 2014-2015, a population of 2305 subjects composed of authorities, teachers, students, alumni and staff. The sample size consisted of 604 research subjects The collection and processing of information is performed using the techniques of observation, interviews, surveys, Likert scale, checklist and document analysis, basically; for the analysis and interpretation of data were applied in correspondence with the hypothesis, the percentage analysis based on percentiles, which allowed determine the degree or level of concentration data with a level of 95% reliability. The results obtained from testing the general hypothesis and specific, corroborated that compliance with the administrative, training and support services of the School of Accounting is a prospect of improvement. The investigation has revealed a state of administrative status, training and support services of a professional career in terms of standards reside here as its significance and importance, since the results serve as reference for future studies.
This thesis shows the results of a study of descriptive cross-sectional research, the objective being to determine the level of compliance with the administrative, training and support services based on standards Quality Model of Higher Education Career College Accounting School of Accounting and Corporate Finance at the University Inca Garcilaso de la Vega in Lima 2014-2015, a population of 2305 subjects composed of authorities, teachers, students, alumni and staff. The sample size consisted of 604 research subjects The collection and processing of information is performed using the techniques of observation, interviews, surveys, Likert scale, checklist and document analysis, basically; for the analysis and interpretation of data were applied in correspondence with the hypothesis, the percentage analysis based on percentiles, which allowed determine the degree or level of concentration data with a level of 95% reliability. The results obtained from testing the general hypothesis and specific, corroborated that compliance with the administrative, training and support services of the School of Accounting is a prospect of improvement. The investigation has revealed a state of administrative status, training and support services of a professional career in terms of standards reside here as its significance and importance, since the results serve as reference for future studies.
Gestión, Gestión administrativa, Formación profesional, Carrera profesional, Calidad, Modelo de calidad, Evaluación, Estándares de calidad, Management, Academic management, Administrative management, Career, Quality, Quality model, Evaluation, Standards of quality