Liderazgo pedagógico del director y su influencia en el desempeño de los docentes de la I.E Nº 129 Yamaguchi del distrito de Santa Anita- 2015
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia que existe entre el liderazgo pedagógico del director en el desempeño docente en la Institución Educativa Nº 129 “Yamaguchi” del distrito de Santa Anita 2015.
La investigación fue tipo aplicada, de nivel descriptivo y diseño correlacional. La población estuvo constituido por todos los docentes de la Institución Educativa Nº 129 “Yamaguchi” del distrito de Santa Anita 2015, que suman un total de 57 docentes, el tamaño muestral es de 50 docentes, dicha muestra probabilística fue calculada mediante la aplicación de la fórmula para poblaciones finitas, asimismo se utilizó como instrumento un cuestionario de acuerdo a las variables de estudio, de acuerdo a la validación y confiabilidad de los instrumentos por juicios de expertos y el Alpha de Cronbach = 0.84.
De los resultados obtenidos de la encuesta realizada según la muestra seleccionada, se encontró con relación al liderazgo pedagógico del director y el desempeño docente, existe una correlación estadísticamente significativa de 0.748 “correlación positiva moderada”, según las percepciones de los docentes en la Institución Educativa N° 129 –Yamaguchi, del distrito de Santa Anita, 2015, concluyendo que existe una influencia directa y significativa. Por lo se concluye que a un mayor nivel en el liderazgo pedagógico corresponde una mayor nivel de desempeño docente.
The research aimed to determine the influence between the pedagogical leadership of the principal in the teacher performance in the School No. 129 "Yamaguchi" district of Santa Anita 2015. Research was applied, descriptive and correlational design level. The population consisted of all teachers of School No. 129 "Yamaguchi" district of Santa Anita 2015, with a total of 57 teachers, the sample size is 50 teachers, this probability sample was calculated by applying the formula for finite populations also was used as instrument a questionnaire according to the study variables, according to the validation and reliability of the instruments by expert judgments and Cronbach Alpha = 0.84. From the results of the survey conducted by the selected sample, it was found in relation to instructional leadership of the principal and teacher performance, there is a statistically significant correlation of 0.748 "moderate positive correlation," according to the perceptions of teachers in the educational institution No. 129 -Yamaguchi, the district of Santa Anita, 2015, concluding that there is a direct and meaningful influence. It concludes that to a higher level in the educational leadership greater level corresponds to teacher performance.
The research aimed to determine the influence between the pedagogical leadership of the principal in the teacher performance in the School No. 129 "Yamaguchi" district of Santa Anita 2015. Research was applied, descriptive and correlational design level. The population consisted of all teachers of School No. 129 "Yamaguchi" district of Santa Anita 2015, with a total of 57 teachers, the sample size is 50 teachers, this probability sample was calculated by applying the formula for finite populations also was used as instrument a questionnaire according to the study variables, according to the validation and reliability of the instruments by expert judgments and Cronbach Alpha = 0.84. From the results of the survey conducted by the selected sample, it was found in relation to instructional leadership of the principal and teacher performance, there is a statistically significant correlation of 0.748 "moderate positive correlation," according to the perceptions of teachers in the educational institution No. 129 -Yamaguchi, the district of Santa Anita, 2015, concluding that there is a direct and meaningful influence. It concludes that to a higher level in the educational leadership greater level corresponds to teacher performance.
Liderazgo pedagógico, Desempeño docente, Pedagogical leadership, Teacher performance