Actitudes maternas en madres con hijos de 1 mes a 7 años de edad hospitalizados en el servicio de medicina pediátrica de un hospital de Lima, 2017
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Esta investigación es de tipo básica, realizada con un enfoque cuantitativo, nivel descriptivo y diseño no experimental de corte transversal. Tiene como objetivo general determinar las “Actitudes maternas en madres con hijos de 1 mes a 7 años de edad hospitalizados en el servicio de medicina pediátrica de un hospital de Lima”. El instrumento utilizado es el cuestionario de actitudes maternas de la relación madre-niño de Robert Roth, adaptada en Perú (Arévalo, 2005).
This research is of a basic type, carried out with a quantitative approach, a descriptive level and a non-experimental cross-sectional design. Its general objective is to determine the "Maternal attitudes in mothers with children from 1 month to 7 years of age hospitalized in the pediatric medicine service of a hospital in Lima". The instrument used is the problem of maternal attitudes of the mother-child relationship of Robert Roth, adapted in Peru (Arévalo, 2005).
This research is of a basic type, carried out with a quantitative approach, a descriptive level and a non-experimental cross-sectional design. Its general objective is to determine the "Maternal attitudes in mothers with children from 1 month to 7 years of age hospitalized in the pediatric medicine service of a hospital in Lima". The instrument used is the problem of maternal attitudes of the mother-child relationship of Robert Roth, adapted in Peru (Arévalo, 2005).
Actitudes maternas, Niños hospitalizados, Aceptación, Sobreprotección, Sobreindulgencia, Rechazo, Maternal attitudes, Hospitalized children, Acceptance, Overprotection, Overindulgence, Rejection