Propuesta de mejora en cultura exportadora en la asociación de productores de hortensias del distrito de Chinchao en el departamento de Huánuco
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La presente investigación identifica y describe los problemas que se generan por la falta de cultura exportadora, originado muchas veces por la ausencia de las autoridades competentes en comercio exterior, así como también, la falta de conocimiento de las ventajas de la asociatividad empresarial y la falta en cultura de negocios; la importancia de tener una cultura exportadora permite que no fracasemos en las negociaciones internacionales.
Asimismo, la tarea principal es mejorar la cultura exportadora mediante tres enfoques las cuales son: adiestramiento, reducción de daños en la distribución y la diferenciación; la finalidad es continuar con la difusión de la cultura exportadora en jóvenes estudiantes, productores y la comunidad quienes son la base sostenible de esta generación para que nuestro Perú sea un país con cultura exportadora inclusiva y exporte productos competitivos, de calidad y amigable con el medio ambiente
This research identifies and describes the problems generated by the lack of exporting culture, originated many times by the absence of the competent authorities in foreign trade, as well as, the lack of knowledge of the Business advantages associativity and lack in business culture. The importance of having an exporting culture allows us not to fail in international negotiations. In addition, the main task is to improve the export culture through three approaches: training, reduction of damage in distribution and differentiation. The purpose is to continue the diffusion of the exporting culture in young students, producers and the community who are the sustainable basis of this generation, so that, Peru would be a country with inclusive exporting culture and export competitive products, quality and environmentally friendly
This research identifies and describes the problems generated by the lack of exporting culture, originated many times by the absence of the competent authorities in foreign trade, as well as, the lack of knowledge of the Business advantages associativity and lack in business culture. The importance of having an exporting culture allows us not to fail in international negotiations. In addition, the main task is to improve the export culture through three approaches: training, reduction of damage in distribution and differentiation. The purpose is to continue the diffusion of the exporting culture in young students, producers and the community who are the sustainable basis of this generation, so that, Peru would be a country with inclusive exporting culture and export competitive products, quality and environmentally friendly
Cultura exportadora, Asociación, Hortensias, Adiestramiento, Diferenciación, Exporting culture, Association, Hydrangea, Training and differentiation