Estrategias de enseñanza y la interpretación de estados financieros en los estudiantes del IX ciclo de contabilidad de la universidad tecnológica de los andes, Abancay
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación, se desarrolló con el objetivo de establecer el nivel de influencia que ejercen las estrategias de enseñanza en el desarrollo de temas relacionados con la interpretación de estados financieros, en la asignatura de análisis de estados financieros de la Escuela Profesional de Contabilidad de la Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes de Abancay.
Se desarrolló en el Diseño no experimental ex post facto, Tipo aplicado, Nivel explicativo; en una Muestra poblacional no probabilística, en la que los instrumentos se aplicaron a la totalidad de la población con 58 estudiantes.
The research was developed with the goal of establishing the level of influence exerted by the teaching strategies in the development of topics related to the interpretation of financial statements, in the course of analysis of financial statements of the Professional School of Accounting of the Technological University of the Andes of Abancay. In the design is non-experimental ex post facto, applied rate, level explanatory; in a non-probabilistic sample, in which the instruments were applied to the whole of the population with 58 students
The research was developed with the goal of establishing the level of influence exerted by the teaching strategies in the development of topics related to the interpretation of financial statements, in the course of analysis of financial statements of the Professional School of Accounting of the Technological University of the Andes of Abancay. In the design is non-experimental ex post facto, applied rate, level explanatory; in a non-probabilistic sample, in which the instruments were applied to the whole of the population with 58 students
Estrategias de enseñanza, Lecciones expositivas, Ejercicios y problemas, Discusiones dirigidas, Interpretación, Estados financieros, Ratios financieros y prueba de hipótesis, Teaching strategies, Expository lessons, Exercises and problems, Led discussions, Interpretation, Financial statements, Financial ratios and hypothesis testing