Efectos de la gestión en la calidad de atención a pacientes en los consultorios odontológicos del hospital María Auxiliadora – San Juan de Miraflores, periodo 2017
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Gestionar organizaciones hospitalarias es dirigir, administrar recursos, y lograr metas y objetivos propuestos. Es así que la gestión por procesos, en oposición a la gestión tradicional, responde a una visión integradora y horizontal de la organización que jerarquiza al paciente. Tiene como medición de resultado fundamental la satisfacción del usuario, que es el verdadero centro de la atención. Da participación a los diferentes integrantes del equipo de salud, en cada tramo del proceso en que actúan, convirtiéndolos en los motores del cambio y protagonistas de la mejora continua de la calidad.
Managing hospital organizations is to direct, administer resources, and achieve goals and objectives. Thus, management by processes, as opposed to traditional management, responds to an integrating and horizontal vision of the organization that hierarchizes the patient. It has as a measure of fundamental result the satisfaction of the user, which is the true center of attention. It gives participation to the different members of the health team, in each stage of the process in which they act, converting them into the drivers of change and protagonists of the continuous improvement of quality.
Managing hospital organizations is to direct, administer resources, and achieve goals and objectives. Thus, management by processes, as opposed to traditional management, responds to an integrating and horizontal vision of the organization that hierarchizes the patient. It has as a measure of fundamental result the satisfaction of the user, which is the true center of attention. It gives participation to the different members of the health team, in each stage of the process in which they act, converting them into the drivers of change and protagonists of the continuous improvement of quality.
Gestión hospitalaria, Calidad de atención, Eficiencia, Calidad de atención, Usuarios, Hospital management, Quality of care, Efficiency, Quality of care, Users