Aplicación de un plan de importación para el abastecimiento de lentes intraoculares de la empresa inversiones médicas San Martin en Lima, 2016
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El sentido de la visión es vital en lo que respecta a la autonomía y desenvolvimiento de cualquier persona. De hecho, el 80 % de la información que inicialmente obtenemos del entorno y que necesitamos en nuestra cotidianidad, la adquirimos a través de dicho sentido. (Estévez, Yaimir y otros 2011, p. 332)
Esto supone que la mayoría de las habilidades que poseemos, de los conocimientos que adquirimos, e incluso de las actividades que desarrollamos, dependen en cierta medida de nuestra capacidad visual. Nuestro desarrollo en la mayoría de los casos está estrechamente interrelacionado a lo que visualmente captamos. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue establecer el nivel de relación de la aplicación de un plan de importación con el abastecimiento de lentes intraoculares de la empresa Inversiones Médicas San Martin S.A.C. en Lima
The sense of vision is vital as far as the autonomy and development of any person is concerned. In fact, 80% of the information we initially get from the environment and that we need in our daily lives, we acquire through that sense. (Estévez, Yaimir and others 2011, page 332). This means that most of the skills we possess, the knowledge they have acquired, and even the activities that are developed depend to some extent on our visual ability. Our development in most cases is closely interrelated in what we visually capture. The objective of the present investigation established the level of the relation of the application of an import plan with the supply of intraocular lenses of the company Inversiones Médicas San Martín S.A.C. In Lima
The sense of vision is vital as far as the autonomy and development of any person is concerned. In fact, 80% of the information we initially get from the environment and that we need in our daily lives, we acquire through that sense. (Estévez, Yaimir and others 2011, page 332). This means that most of the skills we possess, the knowledge they have acquired, and even the activities that are developed depend to some extent on our visual ability. Our development in most cases is closely interrelated in what we visually capture. The objective of the present investigation established the level of the relation of the application of an import plan with the supply of intraocular lenses of the company Inversiones Médicas San Martín S.A.C. In Lima
Importación, Abastecimiento, Lentes intraoculares, Visión, Import, Supply, Intraocular lenses, Vision