Los niveles de ansiedad en estudiantes de un centro preuniversitario del cercado de Lima, 2017
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El presente estudio, de tipo descriptivo y diseño no experimental, tiene como objetivo analizar los niveles de ansiedad en los estudiantes de una institución preuniversitaria del Cercado de Lima. Para ello se utilizó el inventario de ansiedad estado-rasgo (IDARE) (Spielberger, Gorsuch & Lushene, 1982), que evalúa los niveles de ansiedad-estado y ansiedad-rasgo. La muestra estuvo constituida por 102 estudiantes de ambos sexos, con un rango de edad de 14 a 22 años; y se hizo uso de un muestreo probabilístico. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que el 25,49% de los estudiantes presenta un nivel medio de ansiedad-estado y el 7,84% un nivel de ansiedad alta; así mismo, el 32,35% y el 15,16% tienen un nivel medio y un nivel alto de ansiedad-rasgo, respectivamente. También se nota que las medias de los niveles de ansiedad-rasgo de varones (19,150) y mujeres (28,097) manifiestan una diferencia mayor respecto de las encontradas en la ansiedad-estado (8,947 vs. 4,292). Sobre la base de los resultados obtenidos, se elaboró un Programa de Intervención Psicológica (denominación: 3R-AEP) de ocho sesiones, dos por semana, con el objetivo de reconocer, reducir y regular los niveles elevados de ansiedad
The present study, of descriptive type and non - experimental design, aims to analyze anxiety levels in students of a pre - university institution in Cercado de Lima. For that purpose, The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (Spielberger, Gorsuch & Lushene, 1982), was used to evaluate the state anxiety and trait anxiety levels. The sample consisted in 102 students of both sexes, with a range of age from 14 to 22 years, making use of a probabilistic sampling. The results obtained indicated that 25.49% of the students had an average level of anxiety state and 7.84% had a high level of anxiety; likewise, 32.35% and 15.16% have a medium and high level anxiety trait, respectively. It is also noted that the average anxiety-trait levels of men (19,150) and women (28,097) shows a greater difference than the one found in state anxiety (8,947 vs. 4,292). Based on the results obtained, a Psychological Intervention Program (denomination: 3R-AEP) of eight sessions, twice per week, was developed with the objective of recognize, reduce and regulate the high levels of anx
The present study, of descriptive type and non - experimental design, aims to analyze anxiety levels in students of a pre - university institution in Cercado de Lima. For that purpose, The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (Spielberger, Gorsuch & Lushene, 1982), was used to evaluate the state anxiety and trait anxiety levels. The sample consisted in 102 students of both sexes, with a range of age from 14 to 22 years, making use of a probabilistic sampling. The results obtained indicated that 25.49% of the students had an average level of anxiety state and 7.84% had a high level of anxiety; likewise, 32.35% and 15.16% have a medium and high level anxiety trait, respectively. It is also noted that the average anxiety-trait levels of men (19,150) and women (28,097) shows a greater difference than the one found in state anxiety (8,947 vs. 4,292). Based on the results obtained, a Psychological Intervention Program (denomination: 3R-AEP) of eight sessions, twice per week, was developed with the objective of recognize, reduce and regulate the high levels of anx
Ansiedad, Ansiedad estado y rasgo, Adolescentes, Preuniversitarios, Anxiety, State and trait anxiety, Adolescents, Preuniversity