Factores de riesgo en la salud del personal del área de limpieza pública de la municipalidad distrital de Carabayllo 2017
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La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de Conocer los Factores
de Riesgo para la Salud del Personal del Área de Limpieza Pública de la
Municipalidad Distrital de Carabayllo 2017. Se contó con una población muestral de 130 personas entre varones y mujeres, La metodología fue de tipo diagnostico descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo con diseño descriptivo no experimental.
Se utilizó la técnica de encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario de trece preguntas de respuestas cerradas. La aplicación de los instrumentos permitió obtener los siguientes resultados: 1) los factores de riesgo contaminantes, materiales y ambientales, que afecta la salud del personal del área de limpieza pública están dados por enfermedades de tipo respiratorio la neumonía (41%) y la influenza (40%); enfermedades del tipo gastrointestinales como gastritis (67%) y alergias como la rinitis (46%) y Dermatitis atópica ( 41%) y están expuestos a la tuberculosis (75%) y la hepatitis (20%) y más de la mitad de los trabajadores(52%) se han enfermado una sola vez entre enero y agosto del presente año . 2)
This investigation was carried out with the objective of Knowing the Risk Factors for the Health of the Personnel of the Public Cleaning Area of the Municipality of Carabayllo, 2017. It was carried out with a sample population of 130 people between men and women, the methodology was descriptive diagnostic type with a quantitative approach with non - experimental descriptive design. We used the survey technique and as an instrument the questionnaire of thirteen questions of closed answers. The application of the instruments allowed the following results: 1) the polluting risk factors, materials and environmental, which affects the health of the personnel of the public cleaning area is the main cause of respiratory diseases: The pneumonia (41%) and influenza (40%); Diseases of the gastrointestinal type such as gastritis (67%) and allergies such as rhinitis (46%) and atopic dermatitis (41%) are exposed to tuberculosis (75%) and hepatitis (20%) and more than half of the workers (52%) have been sick only once between January and August of this year. 2)
This investigation was carried out with the objective of Knowing the Risk Factors for the Health of the Personnel of the Public Cleaning Area of the Municipality of Carabayllo, 2017. It was carried out with a sample population of 130 people between men and women, the methodology was descriptive diagnostic type with a quantitative approach with non - experimental descriptive design. We used the survey technique and as an instrument the questionnaire of thirteen questions of closed answers. The application of the instruments allowed the following results: 1) the polluting risk factors, materials and environmental, which affects the health of the personnel of the public cleaning area is the main cause of respiratory diseases: The pneumonia (41%) and influenza (40%); Diseases of the gastrointestinal type such as gastritis (67%) and allergies such as rhinitis (46%) and atopic dermatitis (41%) are exposed to tuberculosis (75%) and hepatitis (20%) and more than half of the workers (52%) have been sick only once between January and August of this year. 2)
Riesgo laboral, Factores de riesgo, Salud laboral, Limpieza Pública, Municipalidad distrital, Labor risk, Risk factors, Occupational health, Public cleaning, District municipality