El desarrollo de competencias empresariales de los docentes y las habilidades empresariales en alumnos del IX y X ciclo de la Escuela de Turismo y Hotelería, en la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar si el desarrollo de competencias
empresariales del docente se relaciona con la habilidad empresarial en alumnos, en la
Escuela de Turismo y Hotelería, en la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
El trabajo se desarrolló, en primer lugar delimitando el problema, en este caso es la
Escuela de Turismo y Hotelería, en la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, después se
realizó la planificación, elaborando las actividades de la investigación como problemas,
objetivos e hipótesis, así como la revisión de la documentación necesaria para que sustente
la investigación, posteriormente se realizó el análisis e interpretación de los datos y por
último pasa a la etapa de redacción de la investigación.
La población total de la Escuela de Turismo y Hotelería, de la Universidad Inca
Garcilaso de la Vega fue de 209 alumnos, de los cuales 72 alumnos se encontraban en los
ciclos IX y X, nuestra investigación fue de 72 alumnos, el tamaño de la muestra
seleccionada fue de 28 alumnos, la investigación fue de tipo de descriptiva, el nivel de
investigación es aplicativo. Los instrumentos utilizados para recoger los datos fueron los
cuestionarios validados por 3 maestros para la confiabilidad, se utilizó el Alfa de Cronbach.
Respecto a las conclusiones se demuestra la relación entre el desarrollo de competencias
empresariales del docente y la habilidad empresarial. Se demuestra la relación entre la
dimensión cualidades empresariales del docente y la habilidad empresarial. Se demuestra
que no existe relación entre la dimensión habilidades sociales del empresario del docente y
la habilidad empresarial. Por último, se demuestra que existe relación entre las habilidades
de dirección del empresario del docente con la habilidad empresarial de los estudiantes.
The objective of this research was to determine whether the development of the entrepreneurial skills of the professor is related to the entrepreneurial skills of students, at the School of Tourism and Hotelery, at the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University. The work was developed, firstly defining the problem, in this case it is the Tourism and Hotelery School, in the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University, after the planning was carried out, elaborating the research activities as problems, objectives and hypothesis , as well as the review of the necessary documentation to sustain the investigation, later the analysis and interpretation of the data was made and finally it goes to the writing stage of the investigation. The total population of the Tourism and Hospitality School from Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University was 209 students, of which 72 students were in cycles IX and X our research was 72 students, the size of the sample selected was 28 students, the research was descriptive, the level of research is applicative. The instruments used to collect the data were the questionnaires and validated by 3 teachers for reliability, the Cronbach's Alpha was used for the statistical test. Regarding the conclusions, the relationship between the development of entrepreneurial skills of the teacher and business skills is demonstrated. The relationship between the dimension of the entrepreneurial qualities of the teacher and the entrepreneurial ability is demonstrated. It is shown that there is no relationship between the social skills dimension of the teacher entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial ability. Finally, it is shown that there is a relationship between the management skills of the teacher entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial skills of the students.
The objective of this research was to determine whether the development of the entrepreneurial skills of the professor is related to the entrepreneurial skills of students, at the School of Tourism and Hotelery, at the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University. The work was developed, firstly defining the problem, in this case it is the Tourism and Hotelery School, in the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University, after the planning was carried out, elaborating the research activities as problems, objectives and hypothesis , as well as the review of the necessary documentation to sustain the investigation, later the analysis and interpretation of the data was made and finally it goes to the writing stage of the investigation. The total population of the Tourism and Hospitality School from Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University was 209 students, of which 72 students were in cycles IX and X our research was 72 students, the size of the sample selected was 28 students, the research was descriptive, the level of research is applicative. The instruments used to collect the data were the questionnaires and validated by 3 teachers for reliability, the Cronbach's Alpha was used for the statistical test. Regarding the conclusions, the relationship between the development of entrepreneurial skills of the teacher and business skills is demonstrated. The relationship between the dimension of the entrepreneurial qualities of the teacher and the entrepreneurial ability is demonstrated. It is shown that there is no relationship between the social skills dimension of the teacher entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial ability. Finally, it is shown that there is a relationship between the management skills of the teacher entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial skills of the students.
Competencias, Habilidades, Cualidades empresariales, Habilidades empresariales, Skills, Entrepreneurial skills, Business skills