El delito del tráfico de influencias y la trasgresión de los derechos fundamentales de los ciudadanos
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la incidencia del delito del tráfico de Influencias en la trasgresión de los derechos fundamentales. Se utilizó para alcanzar dicho objetivo el método deductivo, inductivo y descriptivo y un diseño no experimental, La población objeto estuvo constituida por 24,500 abogados hábiles colegiados del Colegio de Abogados de Lima a enero del 2017
The research aims to determine the incidence of the crime of Influence traffic in the violation of fundamental rights. The deductive, inductive and descriptive method and a non-experimental design were used to achieve this objective. The target population was constituted by 24,500 skilled lawyers from the Lima Bar Association in January 2017.
The research aims to determine the incidence of the crime of Influence traffic in the violation of fundamental rights. The deductive, inductive and descriptive method and a non-experimental design were used to achieve this objective. The target population was constituted by 24,500 skilled lawyers from the Lima Bar Association in January 2017.
Delito del tráfico de influencias, Trasgresión de los derechos fundamentales, Crime of Influence trafficking, Transgression of fundamental rights