Tratamiento ortodóntico en pacientes periodontalmente comprometidos
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Actualmente se conoce que la enfermedad periodontal posee determinados factores de riesgo que van a modular la susceptibilidad del hospedador a padecer dicha enfermedad, estos han sido clasificados en locales y sistémicos. Los signos y síntomas que se deben de considerar en toda evaluación de los pacientes en riesgo serian: presencia de placa, sangrado al sondaje, profundidad de la bolsa periodontal, recesión gingival, nivel de inserción clínica.
Currently it is known that periodontal disease has certain risk factors that will modulate the susceptibility of the host to suffer from said disease, these have been classified in local and systemic. The signs and symptoms that should be considered in any evaluation of patients at risk would be: the presence of plaque, bleeding on probing, depth of the periodontal pocket, gingival recession, level of clinical insertion.
Currently it is known that periodontal disease has certain risk factors that will modulate the susceptibility of the host to suffer from said disease, these have been classified in local and systemic. The signs and symptoms that should be considered in any evaluation of patients at risk would be: the presence of plaque, bleeding on probing, depth of the periodontal pocket, gingival recession, level of clinical insertion.
Ortodoncia, Periodontitis, Gingivitis, Regeneración ósea, Maloclusión, Aparatos ortodónticos, Perdida del hueso alveolar, Estética dental, Orthodontics, Periodontitis, Gingivitis, Bone regeneration, Malocclusion, Orthodontics appliaces, Alveolar bone loss, Esthetic dental, Adult patient, Periodontal disease, Periodontium