Tratamiento fisioterapéutico en la espondilitis anquilosante
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La espondilitis anquilosante es considerada dentro de las enfermedades reumáticas, siendo una inflamación crónica, que afecta a la columna vertebral y asimismo a las articulaciones sacroiliacas, teniendo a la vez manifestaciones extra articulares como es la inflamación de la úvea, deficiencia respiratoria, problemas cardiacos, etc. Además, dentro de la epidemiologia, se hace referencia a que esta enfermedad es de mayor frecuencia en poblaciones de raza blanca que en poblaciones africanas (raza negra) y japonesas.
Ankylosing spondylitis is considered within rheumatic diseases, being a chronic inflammation, which affects the spine and also the sacroiliac joints, having at the same time extra-joint manifestations such as inflammation of the uvea, respiratory deficiency, heart problems, etc. In addition, within the epidemiology, reference is made to the fact that this disease is more frequent in white populations than in African (black) and Japanese populations
Ankylosing spondylitis is considered within rheumatic diseases, being a chronic inflammation, which affects the spine and also the sacroiliac joints, having at the same time extra-joint manifestations such as inflammation of the uvea, respiratory deficiency, heart problems, etc. In addition, within the epidemiology, reference is made to the fact that this disease is more frequent in white populations than in African (black) and Japanese populations
Espondilitis anquilosante, Espondiloartropatías, Fisioterapia y rehabilitación, Sacroiliitis, Reumatología, Ankylosing spondylitis, Spondyloarthropathies, Physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Sacroiliitis, Rheumatology