Nivel de depresión en los adultos mayores de la casa Tayta Wasi centro poblado San Francisco Provincia Mariscal Nieto – Moquegua
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El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar el nivel de depresión en la casa del adulto mayor Tayta Wasi del centro poblado de San Francisco provincia Mariscal Nieto -Moquegua, durante el año del 2017.
Se desarrolla el planteamiento del problema, sobre el cual se formula el problema y problemas especifico, luego se determina el objetivo general, así como los objetivos específicos y una parte científica en el marco teórico.
La investigación es de tipo descriptivo transversal, con una muestra de 30 adultos mayores a quienes se aplica el test de escala de geriatría de Yesavage obteniendo la información mostrada en figuras y tablas.
Se concluye, que en la casa Tayta Wasi se presentaron todos los niveles de depresión, sin embargo, se advirtió en mayor presencia la depresión moderada, así mismo, se realiza las recomendaciones ante tal situación, y la propuesta del programa para disminuir el nivel existente de depresión.
The present research work has as main objective to determine the level of depression in the house of the adult greater Tayta Wasi of the center town of San Francisco province Mariscal Nieto -Moquegua, during the year of 2017. It develops the approach of the problem, on which the problem and specific problems are formulated, then the general objective is determined, as well as the specific objectives and a scientific part of the theoretical framework. The research is descriptive cross-sectional, with a sample of 30 older adults to whom the geriatric scale test of Yesavage is applied, obtaining the information shown in figures and tables. It is concluded that in the Tayta Wasi house the level of mild depression, likewise, the recommendations are made before such situation, and the proposal of the program to reduce the existing level of depression.
The present research work has as main objective to determine the level of depression in the house of the adult greater Tayta Wasi of the center town of San Francisco province Mariscal Nieto -Moquegua, during the year of 2017. It develops the approach of the problem, on which the problem and specific problems are formulated, then the general objective is determined, as well as the specific objectives and a scientific part of the theoretical framework. The research is descriptive cross-sectional, with a sample of 30 older adults to whom the geriatric scale test of Yesavage is applied, obtaining the information shown in figures and tables. It is concluded that in the Tayta Wasi house the level of mild depression, likewise, the recommendations are made before such situation, and the proposal of the program to reduce the existing level of depression.
Depresión, Adulto mayor, Depression, Old man