Nivel de agresión en estudiantes de 6to grado de primaria de la Institución Educativa Estatal San Martín de Porres Nº 4004 del distrito de La Perla, Callao 2017
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La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo describir los niveles de agresividad y sus dimensiones de agresividad verbal, agresividad física, agresividad indirecta, sospecha, resentimiento e irritabilidad. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 85 estudiantes de 6to grado de primaria de la institución Educativa Estatal San Martin de Porres Nº 4004 del distrito de La Perla – Callao. Se usó como instrumento el Inventario modificado de agresividad de Buss- Durkee. Luego de la aplicación del instrumento para recoger la información correspondiente se descubrió que el 48% de la muestra ostenta nivel alto de agresión y el 17% de nivel medio, respecto al objetivo general. Luego, con las dimensiones, en la irritabilidad el 60% de los evaluados tiene nivel alto y el 40% nivel bajo; en la dimensión de agresión verbal el 50% tiene nivel alto y el 42% nivel medio; el 48% tuvo nivel alto de agresión indirecta y el 49% nivel medio de la misma variable; en agresividad física el 51% tuvo nivel alto y el 22% nivel medio; en resentimiento 43% ostenta nivel alto y el 47 nivel medio; y en la dimensión de sospecha el 47% tiene nivel alto mientras que el 48% nivel medio. En general la investigación arroja que existen altos niveles de agresividad y sus dimensiones en la muestra estudiada, así mismo sería recomendable realizar sesiones especificar para reducir la presencia de este problema
The objective of this research was to describe the levels of aggression and its dimensions of verbal aggression, physical aggression, suspicion, indirect aggression, resentment, indirect aggression and irritability. The sample was composed of 60 students of 5to primary cycle of the State educational institution San Martin de Porres Nº 4004 of the District of La Perla – Callao. The modified aggressive inventory of buss-Durkee was used as an instrument. After the application of the instrument to collect the corresponding information it was discovered that 48% of the sample has high level of aggression and 17% of average level, with respect to the general objective. Then, with the dimensions, in the irritability the 60% of the evaluated ones have high level and the 40% low level; In the verbal aggression dimension 50% have high level and 42% average level; 48% had high level of indirect aggression and 49% average level of the same variable; In physical aggression 51% had high level and 22% average level; In resentment 43% boasts high level and the 47 medium level; And in the suspect dimension 47% has high level while the 48% average level. On the other hand it was found that women are percentage less aggressive than males. In general, the research shows that there are high levels of aggression and its dimensions in the sample studied and it would be advisable to carry out specific sessions to reduce the presence of this problem
The objective of this research was to describe the levels of aggression and its dimensions of verbal aggression, physical aggression, suspicion, indirect aggression, resentment, indirect aggression and irritability. The sample was composed of 60 students of 5to primary cycle of the State educational institution San Martin de Porres Nº 4004 of the District of La Perla – Callao. The modified aggressive inventory of buss-Durkee was used as an instrument. After the application of the instrument to collect the corresponding information it was discovered that 48% of the sample has high level of aggression and 17% of average level, with respect to the general objective. Then, with the dimensions, in the irritability the 60% of the evaluated ones have high level and the 40% low level; In the verbal aggression dimension 50% have high level and 42% average level; 48% had high level of indirect aggression and 49% average level of the same variable; In physical aggression 51% had high level and 22% average level; In resentment 43% boasts high level and the 47 medium level; And in the suspect dimension 47% has high level while the 48% average level. On the other hand it was found that women are percentage less aggressive than males. In general, the research shows that there are high levels of aggression and its dimensions in the sample studied and it would be advisable to carry out specific sessions to reduce the presence of this problem
Agresividad, Agresividad física, Agresividad verbal, Agresividad indirecta, Irritabilidad, Aggression, Physical aggression, Verbal aggression, Indirect aggression, Irritability