La aplicación de sistemas de control en la gestión de aprovisionamiento en la asociación cultural brisas del Titicaca, 2016
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación busca determinar la influencia que existe entre el Sistema de Control y la Gestión de Aprovisionamiento de la Asociación Cultural Brisas del Titicaca en el año 2016. El estudio se aplicó a los trabajadores de las diferentes áreas de la Asociación, que cuenta con 95 colaboradores, por ser una cantidad poco significativa se escogió como muestra la misma cantidad de trabajadores de todas las jerarquías, el estudio realizado fue correlacional y busca medir la relación existente entre los Sistemas de Control y la Gestión de Aprovisionamiento a través de una encuesta teniendo en cuenta 6 dimensiones
The present investigation seeks to determine the influence that exists between the Control Systems and the Supply Management of the Cultural Association called “Brisas del Titicaca” in the year 2016. The study was applied to the workers of the different areas of the Association, which has approximately 95 employees, because a small amount was chosen as sample the same number of workers from all hierarchies, the study was correlational and seeks to measure The relationship between Control Systems and Procurement Management through a survey taking into account 6 dimensions
The present investigation seeks to determine the influence that exists between the Control Systems and the Supply Management of the Cultural Association called “Brisas del Titicaca” in the year 2016. The study was applied to the workers of the different areas of the Association, which has approximately 95 employees, because a small amount was chosen as sample the same number of workers from all hierarchies, the study was correlational and seeks to measure The relationship between Control Systems and Procurement Management through a survey taking into account 6 dimensions
Sistemas, Control, Aprovisionamiento, Investigación, Riesgos, Información, Comunicación, Supervisión, Compras, Almacenamiento, Stocks, Systems, Control, Procurement, Research, Risks, Information, Communication, Supervision, Purchasing, Storage, Stocks