Hábitos de estudio y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de la asignatura de metodología del trabajo Universitario en la Facultad de Ciencias Farmacéuticas y Bioquímica – Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Los alumnos deben tener hábitos de estudio, dado que el tiempo que dedican a estudiar ayuda a realizar sus trabajos en la Facultad de Ciencias Farmacéuticas y Bioquímica de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; dado que es importante su rendimiento académico.
Con relación a la recopilación de la información del marco teórico, el aporte brindado por los especialistas relacionados con cada una de las variables: hábitos de estudio y rendimiento académico, el mismo que clarifica el tema en referencia, así como también amplia el panorama de estudio con el aporte de los mismos; respaldado con el empleo de las citas bibliográficas que dan validez a la investigación. En suma, en lo concerniente al trabajo de campo, se encontró que la técnica e instrumento empleado, facilitó el desarrollo del estudio, culminando esta parte con la contrastación de las hipótesis.
Finalmente, los objetivos planteados en la investigación han sido alcanzados a plenitud, como también los datos encontrados en el estudio facilitaron el logro de los mismos. Asimismo merece destacar que para el desarrollo de la investigación, el esquema planteado en cada uno de los capítulos, hizo didáctica la presentación de la investigación, como también se comprendiera a cabalidad los alcances de esta investigación.
The students must have study habits, since the time that they dedicate to study helps to carry out their works in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biochemistry of the University Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; Given that their academic performance is important. With regard to the collection of information from the theoretical framework, the contribution provided by the specialists related to each of the variables: study habits and academic performance, which clarifies the subject in reference, as well as broaden the study landscape With the contribution of the same; Supported by the use of bibliographic citations that validate the research. In sum, with regard to fieldwork, it was found that the technique and instrument used facilitated the development of the study, culminating this part with the testing of the hypotheses. Finally, the objectives set in the research have been fully achieved, as also the data found in the study facilitated the achievement of the same. It is also worth mentioning that for the development of the research, the scheme outlined in each of the chapters did didactic the presentation of the research, as well as fully understood the scope of this research.
The students must have study habits, since the time that they dedicate to study helps to carry out their works in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biochemistry of the University Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; Given that their academic performance is important. With regard to the collection of information from the theoretical framework, the contribution provided by the specialists related to each of the variables: study habits and academic performance, which clarifies the subject in reference, as well as broaden the study landscape With the contribution of the same; Supported by the use of bibliographic citations that validate the research. In sum, with regard to fieldwork, it was found that the technique and instrument used facilitated the development of the study, culminating this part with the testing of the hypotheses. Finally, the objectives set in the research have been fully achieved, as also the data found in the study facilitated the achievement of the same. It is also worth mentioning that for the development of the research, the scheme outlined in each of the chapters did didactic the presentation of the research, as well as fully understood the scope of this research.
Hábitos de estudio, Rendimiento académico, Metodología del trabajo, Study habits, Academic performance, Work methodology