Desarrollo de una aplicación web para la mejora del proceso de venta de equipos informáticos en la empresa suministros tecnológicos Terabyte
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La empresa Terabyte dedicada a la venta de insumos tecnológicos para la población de la provincia de Huaral presenta dificultades en sus actividades de ventas las que se vienen realizando mediante hojas de cálculo y fichas de registro de venta y compra, dicha proceso genera ineficiencia y desorden entre los trabajadores los que tienen dirigirse a las diferentes áreas para retroalimentar la información obtenida de las ventas diarias, con el propósito de planificar y realizar las entregas de los productos; este malestar se ve reflejado en los continuos reclamos por parte de los clientes que aducen en el establecimiento. En este sentido el presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolla una aplicación web que permite la mejora del proceso de ventas de equipos informáticos en la empresa suministros tecnológicos Terabyte; haciendo
más eficiente el flujo de ventas; en el desarrollo se utilizó la metodología proceso racional unificado (RUP) y el uso de código libre, servidor apache y gestor de base datos MySQL para lograr la automatización de los procesos de ventas generando un control de las entradas y salidas de los productos llevando un adecuado registro de las ventas del día mejorando sustancialmente el tiempo de atención de los clientes en cada punto de venta. Produciéndose así una reducción significativa en las horas de atención de los clientes y reduciéndose los costos de la atención de los mismos en beneficio directo a la empresa Terabyte
The company Terabyte dedicated to the sale of technological inputs for the population of the province of Huaral presents difficulties in its sales activities which are being carried out through spreadsheets and sales and purchase registration forms, this process generates inefficiency and disorder between The workers who have to go to the different areas to feed back the information obtained from the daily sales, in order to plan and deliver the products; This malaise is reflected in the continuous complaints from the customers that adduce in the establishment. In this sense the present research work is developed a web application that allows the improvement of the sales process of computer equipment in the company technological supplies Terabyte; Making the flow of sales more efficient; In the development was used the unified rational process methodology (RUP) and the use of free code, apache server and MySQL database manager to achieve the automation of the sales processes generating a control of the inputs and outputs of the products carrying a Adequate recording of the sales of the day substantially improving the time of attention of the customers in each point of sale. This resulted in a significant reduction in customer service hours and reduced costs of customer service for the direct benefit of Terabyte.
The company Terabyte dedicated to the sale of technological inputs for the population of the province of Huaral presents difficulties in its sales activities which are being carried out through spreadsheets and sales and purchase registration forms, this process generates inefficiency and disorder between The workers who have to go to the different areas to feed back the information obtained from the daily sales, in order to plan and deliver the products; This malaise is reflected in the continuous complaints from the customers that adduce in the establishment. In this sense the present research work is developed a web application that allows the improvement of the sales process of computer equipment in the company technological supplies Terabyte; Making the flow of sales more efficient; In the development was used the unified rational process methodology (RUP) and the use of free code, apache server and MySQL database manager to achieve the automation of the sales processes generating a control of the inputs and outputs of the products carrying a Adequate recording of the sales of the day substantially improving the time of attention of the customers in each point of sale. This resulted in a significant reduction in customer service hours and reduced costs of customer service for the direct benefit of Terabyte.
Proceso de ventas, Aplicativo web, Proceso racional unificado, Código libre, Sales process, Web application, Rational unified process, Free code