La violencia y el rendimiento escolar en alumnos de la institución educativa mixto “Huaycán” de Ate
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Para hablar de Violencia es imprescindible referirse a los tres aspectos que son: Agresión Verbal, Agresión Física y la Agresión Psicológica, donde cada uno de ellos responde a una dimensión de estudio en esta investigación. La pretensión de mejorar el Rendimiento escolar es una constante pedagógica. Las propuestas de optimización de esta actividad se han realizado por los propios maestros y profesores sobre la base de su experiencia e intuición, lo que ha permitido alcanzar metas trazadas sin embargo existen variables intervinientes como la Violencia escolar que en los últimos años ha puesto en alerta a la Educación
To speak of Violence it is essential to refer to the three aspects that are: Verbal Aggression, Physical Aggression and Psychological Aggression, where each of them responds to a dimension of study in this research. The claim to improve school performance is a pedagogical constant. The proposals for optimization of this activity have been carried out by the teachers and teachers themselves based on their experience and intuition, which has allowed to reach goals set however there are intervening variables such as school violence that in recent years put on alert To Education.
To speak of Violence it is essential to refer to the three aspects that are: Verbal Aggression, Physical Aggression and Psychological Aggression, where each of them responds to a dimension of study in this research. The claim to improve school performance is a pedagogical constant. The proposals for optimization of this activity have been carried out by the teachers and teachers themselves based on their experience and intuition, which has allowed to reach goals set however there are intervening variables such as school violence that in recent years put on alert To Education.
Violencia, Rendimiento académico, Violencia verbal, Violencia física, Violencia psicológica, Violence, Academic performance, Verbal violence, Physical violence, Psychological violence