La calidad de servicio y la satisfacción de los usuarios en el Banco de la Nación del distrito de El Agustino, período 2017
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar si la calidad de servicio se relaciona con la satisfacción de los usuarios en el Banco de la Nación del distrito de El Agustino, período 2018. La metodología empleada para la elaboración de la tesis fue de enfoque cuantitativo. Es una investigación básica que se ubica en el nivel descriptivo y correlacional. El diseño de la investigación es no experimental: transversal: correlacional. La población estuvo conformada por 500 clientes que acuden al servicio prestado en el Banco de la Nación del distrito de El Agustino, se utilizó un muestreo probabilístico de tipo aleatoria (azar), es decir el tamaño muestral estuvo representado por 212 usuarios, se utilizó como instrumentos un cuestionario, con un nivel de fiabilidad de Alpha de Cronbach de 0,857 para la variable calidad de servicio y 0,876 para la variable satisfacción de usuarios. Entre los resultados más relevantes obtenidos según la prueba estadística de Rho de Spearman aplicada a las variables calidad de servicio y satisfacción de usuarios, se obtuvo una correlación positiva alta (r=0.943), con un valor de sig = .000 < α = 0.05, se rechaza la Ho, concluyendo que la calidad de servicio se relaciona significativamente con la satisfacción de los usuarios en el Banco de la Nación del distrito de El Agustino, período 2018.
The objective of the research was to determine if the quality of service is related to the satisfaction of users in the Bank of the Nation district of El Agustino, period 2018. The methodology used to elaborate the thesis was a quantitative approach. It is a basic research that is located at the descriptive and correlational level. The design of the research is non-experimental: transversal: correlational. The study population was comprised of 500 clients who come to the service provided at the Bank of the Nation district of El Agustino, a probability sample of random type (random) was used, i.e. the sample size was represented by 212 users, it was used as instruments a questionnaire, with a reliability level of Cronbach's alpha of 0.857 for the quality of service variable and 0.876 for the user satisfaction variable. Among the most relevant results obtained according to the Spearman's Rho test applied to the variables quality of service and user satisfaction, a high positive correlation was obtained (r = 0.943), with a value of sig = .000 <α = 0.05, the Ho is rejected, concluding that the quality of service is significantly related to the satisfaction of users in the Bank de la Nation district of El Agustino, period 2018.
The objective of the research was to determine if the quality of service is related to the satisfaction of users in the Bank of the Nation district of El Agustino, period 2018. The methodology used to elaborate the thesis was a quantitative approach. It is a basic research that is located at the descriptive and correlational level. The design of the research is non-experimental: transversal: correlational. The study population was comprised of 500 clients who come to the service provided at the Bank of the Nation district of El Agustino, a probability sample of random type (random) was used, i.e. the sample size was represented by 212 users, it was used as instruments a questionnaire, with a reliability level of Cronbach's alpha of 0.857 for the quality of service variable and 0.876 for the user satisfaction variable. Among the most relevant results obtained according to the Spearman's Rho test applied to the variables quality of service and user satisfaction, a high positive correlation was obtained (r = 0.943), with a value of sig = .000 <α = 0.05, the Ho is rejected, concluding that the quality of service is significantly related to the satisfaction of users in the Bank de la Nation district of El Agustino, period 2018.
Calidad de servicios, Satisfacción de los usuarios, Elementos tangibles, Fiabilidad, Seguridad, Empatía, Rendimiento, Expectativas, Niveles de satisfacción, Quality of services, User satisfaction, Tangible elements, Reliability, Security, Empathy, Performance, Expectations, Levels of satisfaction