Gestión y calidad de servicio del club deportivo camargo gym academy del distrito de Chorrillos – período 2017
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación es de tipo descriptivo-correlacional con un diseño no experimental que buscó establecer como la gestión influye en la calidad de servicio del Club Deportivo Camargo Gym Academy del Distrito de Chorrillos - Período 2017.
La muestra es probabilística. Se utilizó una encuesta de elaboración propia como instrumento de evaluación, la cual fue aplicada a 80 hombres y mujeres que comprenden a cinco empresas del distrito de Lima Metropolitano. Para la variable 1, “Gestión” se tienen en cuenta cuatro indicadores: Planificación, Organización, Dirección y Control y para la variable 2, “Calidad de Servicio” se tienen en cuenta tres indicadores: Fidelización, Tecnología y Confianza en los clientes. Al correlacionar los datos se hallaron los siguientes resultados: existe una correlación estadística positiva significativa en la calidad de servicio.
De igual forma, se halló correlación positiva significativa entre la gestión y la calidad de servicio.
The research is descriptive-correlational with a non-experimental design that sought to establish how the management influences the quality of service of the Camargo Gym Academy Sports Club of the Chorrillos District - Period 2017. The sample is probabilistic. A self-made survey was used as an evaluation instrument, which was applied to 80 men and women who comprise five companies in the Metropolitan Lima district. For variable 1, "Management", four indicators are taken into account: Planning, Organization, Management and Control and for variable 2, "Quality of Service", three indicators are taken into account: Loyalty, Technology and Customer Confidence. When correlating the data, the following results were found: there is a significant positive statistical correlation in the quality of service. Similarly, a significant positive correlation was found between management and quality of service.
The research is descriptive-correlational with a non-experimental design that sought to establish how the management influences the quality of service of the Camargo Gym Academy Sports Club of the Chorrillos District - Period 2017. The sample is probabilistic. A self-made survey was used as an evaluation instrument, which was applied to 80 men and women who comprise five companies in the Metropolitan Lima district. For variable 1, "Management", four indicators are taken into account: Planning, Organization, Management and Control and for variable 2, "Quality of Service", three indicators are taken into account: Loyalty, Technology and Customer Confidence. When correlating the data, the following results were found: there is a significant positive statistical correlation in the quality of service. Similarly, a significant positive correlation was found between management and quality of service.
Gestión, Calidad de servicio, Planificación, Organización, Management, Quality of service, Planning, Organization