Acoso sexual en los espacios públicos percibido por las mujeres que laboran en la Municipalidad de la provincia de Sihuas, periodo febrero 2019
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo conocer la manifestación del acoso
sexual en espacios públicos percibido por las mujeres que laboran en la Municipalidad
de la Provincia de Sihuas. El estudio corresponde a una investigación de tipo descriptiva
y con un enfoque cuantitativo de acuerdo al manejo de los datos. El diseño de la
investigación es no experimental con un corte transversal.
El universo de la población está conformado por 40 mujeres entre las edades de 20
a 40 años de edad, quienes laboran en diversas áreas de la Municipalidad de provincial
de Sihuas, en el periodo del mes de febrero del 2019. La muestra es censal, es decir, se
toma la totalidad de la población. La técnica que se usó para la recolección de la
información, fue la encuesta y el instrumento utilizado fue La Escala Acoso Sexual
Callejero, la cual evalúa cinco dimensiones: acoso físico, acoso verbal, exhibicionismo,
persecución y expresivo.
Se establece como conclusión que: el acoso sexual en espacios públicos que
perciben las mujeres que trabajan en la Municipalidad de la Provincia de Sihuas es de
un 53% en un nivel medio, debido a que existe una sociedad machista que gobiernan los
hombres en donde minimizan y faltan el respeto a las mujeres.
The present investigation has as objective to know the manifestation of the sexual harassment in public spaces perceived by the women who work in the Municipality of the Province of Sihuas. The study corresponds to a descriptive research with a quantitative approach according to the handling of the data. The research design is nonexperimental with a cross section. The universe of the population consists of 40 women between the ages of 20 to 40 years old, who work in various areas of the Municipality of Sihuas, in the period of February 2019. The sample is census, is say, the whole population is taken. The technique used to collect the information was the survey and the instrument used was the Street Sexual Harassment Scale, which evaluates five dimensions: physical harassment, verbal harassment, exhibitionism, persecution and expressive. It is established as a conclusion that: sexual harassment in public spaces perceived by women working in the Municipality of the Province of Sihuas is 53% at a medium level, because there is a macho society that governs men where they minimize and lack of respect for women.
The present investigation has as objective to know the manifestation of the sexual harassment in public spaces perceived by the women who work in the Municipality of the Province of Sihuas. The study corresponds to a descriptive research with a quantitative approach according to the handling of the data. The research design is nonexperimental with a cross section. The universe of the population consists of 40 women between the ages of 20 to 40 years old, who work in various areas of the Municipality of Sihuas, in the period of February 2019. The sample is census, is say, the whole population is taken. The technique used to collect the information was the survey and the instrument used was the Street Sexual Harassment Scale, which evaluates five dimensions: physical harassment, verbal harassment, exhibitionism, persecution and expressive. It is established as a conclusion that: sexual harassment in public spaces perceived by women working in the Municipality of the Province of Sihuas is 53% at a medium level, because there is a macho society that governs men where they minimize and lack of respect for women.
Violencia, Acoso, Género, Violence, Harassment, Gender