Aplicación de las tecnologías de información y comunicación y la secuencia de eventos de la cadena de suministros de plaza vea
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de la aplicación de las
tecnologías de información y comunicación en la secuencia de eventos
de la cadena de suministros. Se utilizó para alcanzar dicho objetivo el
método deductivo, inductivo y descriptivo y un diseño no experimental,
asimismo se aplicó la encuesta a una población constituida por 262
proveedores de Plaza Vea de Huancayo. Al calcular el tamaño de la
muestra se trabajó finalmente con 156 personas. En cuanto al
instrumento de recolección de datos tenemos al cuestionario que constó
de 16 ítems de tipo cerrado, los mismos que se vaciaron en cuadros en
donde se calcularon las frecuencias y porcentajes, complementándose
con el análisis e interpretación de los resultados, lo cual nos permitió
contrastar las hipótesis. Finalmente se concluyó y recomendó en
estrecha relación con los problemas, objetivos e hipótesis planteadas.
The research titled aims to determine the influence of the application of information technologies and communication in the sequence of events chain supplies. It was used to achieve that objective, deductive, inductive and descriptive method and a non-experimental design also surveyed a population consisting of 262 providers of Huancayo Plaza Vea was applied. In calculating the sample size was finally worked with 156 people. As the instrument of data collection have the questionnaire consisted of 16 items of closed type, the same as were emptied into boxes where frequencies and percentages were calculated, complemented by the analysis and interpretation of results, which allowed us the hypotheses. Finally it concluded and recommended closely with the problems, objectives and hypotheses.
The research titled aims to determine the influence of the application of information technologies and communication in the sequence of events chain supplies. It was used to achieve that objective, deductive, inductive and descriptive method and a non-experimental design also surveyed a population consisting of 262 providers of Huancayo Plaza Vea was applied. In calculating the sample size was finally worked with 156 people. As the instrument of data collection have the questionnaire consisted of 16 items of closed type, the same as were emptied into boxes where frequencies and percentages were calculated, complemented by the analysis and interpretation of results, which allowed us the hypotheses. Finally it concluded and recommended closely with the problems, objectives and hypotheses.
Aplicación de las tecnologías de información Comunicación, Costo de la información, Secuencia de eventos, Administración de las relaciones, Proveedores, Application of information, Communication technologies, Cost of information, Sequence of events in the supply chain, Management of relations with suppliers