Aleaciones para alambres en ortodoncia
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Introducción: Las aleaciones más utilizadas en el área de ortodoncia son básicamente cuatro, acero inoxidable, níquel titanio, cromo- cobalto y beta titanio. A lo largo del tiempo se ha investigado sobre sus propiedades para lograr la aplicación efectiva de cada aleación de acuerdo a un caso o etapa particular durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia. Por lo tanto la finalidad de este trabajo académico es recopilar la información necesaria y actualizada para poder aplicarla durante el trabajo clínico y realizar de ese modo una
Introduction: The most commonly used alloys in the orthodontic area are basically four, stainless steel, nickel titanium, chromo-cobalt and beta titanium. Over time, its properties have been investigated to achieve the effective application of each alloy according to a particular case or stage during orthodontic treatment. Therefore, the purpose of this academic work is to gather the necessary and updated information to be able to apply it during the clinical work and thus to carry out an orthodontic practice based on evidence. to its high cost and possibility of replacement by stainless steel according to some authors.
Introduction: The most commonly used alloys in the orthodontic area are basically four, stainless steel, nickel titanium, chromo-cobalt and beta titanium. Over time, its properties have been investigated to achieve the effective application of each alloy according to a particular case or stage during orthodontic treatment. Therefore, the purpose of this academic work is to gather the necessary and updated information to be able to apply it during the clinical work and thus to carry out an orthodontic practice based on evidence. to its high cost and possibility of replacement by stainless steel according to some authors.
Aleación, Alambre, Niti, Beta- titanio, Acero inoxidable, Cromo cobalto, Alloy, Wire, Beta-titanium, Stainless steel, Cobalt-chromium