Las doncellas de dote matrimoniales por lazos familiares y afectivos en tres hospitales sevillanos en el antiguo régimen
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Departamento de Historia. Universidad Católica Argentina
Las familias hidalgas protegieron al excedente femenino de sus linajes, destinando
a ese fin voluntades testamentarias, algunas de las cuales se mantuvieron por siglos.
Sin embargo, también acogieron a otras hidalgas en condición de desamparo cuyas
familias había caído en desgracia y a otras personas cercanas a ellos, me refiero a sus
criadas y esclavas. En la capital hispalense, los hospitales de la Misericordia, de las
Cinco Llagas y de San Hermenegildo fueron gestoras de estas voluntades y en este artículo
se descubrirá cómo administraban estas dotes afectivas y consanguíneas.
The noble families protected the female surplus from their lineages, destining to this end testamentary wills, some of which were kept per centuries. Nevertheless not only they tried to protect to their own lineage, but to elite women which families had fallen down in misfortune. They tried to protect the lineage of the people they loved as maids and slaves. In the Sevillian capital, the hospitals of the Mercy, of Five Sores and of San Hermenegildo were managers of these wills and in this article discover how administrated those effective and consanguineous dowries.
The noble families protected the female surplus from their lineages, destining to this end testamentary wills, some of which were kept per centuries. Nevertheless not only they tried to protect to their own lineage, but to elite women which families had fallen down in misfortune. They tried to protect the lineage of the people they loved as maids and slaves. In the Sevillian capital, the hospitals of the Mercy, of Five Sores and of San Hermenegildo were managers of these wills and in this article discover how administrated those effective and consanguineous dowries.
Hospitales, Dote, Matrimonio, Hidalgas, Sevilla, Antiguo régimen, Hospitals, Dowry, Marriage, Old Regime