El compromiso por el trabajo en los vendedores de Saga Falabella, San Isidro
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La presente investigación es de tipo descriptivo con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal, Se consideró como objetivo general, determinar el nivel de compromiso en los vendedores de Saga Falabella, San Isidro, 2017; en una muestra de tipo intencional, compuesta de 62 vendedores de distintas marcas de Saga Falabella. Para la investigación se utilizó como instrumento la prueba UWES-17 (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, adaptada al Perú por Ritzy Cárdenas; la información se procesó con los programas SPSS 22 y Ms Excel 2016. Se hallaron los siguientes resultados: se obtuvo un 42% del nivel promedio de compromiso por el trabajo en los vendedores. Por lo tanto, se infiere que el nivel predominante en los vendedores de Saga Falabella, San Isidro, es el nivel promedio. En cuanto a sus dimensiones: en la dimensión Dedicación se obtuvo un 29% del nivel bajo; en la dimensión Vigor se obtuvo un 39% del nivel bajo; finalmente en la dimensión Absorción se obtuvo un 32% del nivel alto
The present research is applied type, quantitatively descriptive approach, with non-experimental design of cutting transactional, was considered as a general objective, determine the level of commitment in the vendors of Saga Falabella, San Isidro, 2017; In a sample of type intensional, composed of 62 vendors of different brands of Saga Falabella. For the research the UWES-17 test (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, adapted to Peru by Ritzy Cárdenas was used as an instrument; The information was processed with the SPSS 22 and Ms Excel 2016 programs.) The following results were found: 42% of the average level of engagement to work in vendors was obtained. Therefore, it is inferred that the predominant level in the vendors of Saga Falabella, San Isidro, is the average level. As for its dimensions: in the dedication dimension, 29% of the low level was obtained; In the Vigor dimension, 39% of the low level was obtained; Finally, in the absorption dimension, 32% of the high level was obtained
The present research is applied type, quantitatively descriptive approach, with non-experimental design of cutting transactional, was considered as a general objective, determine the level of commitment in the vendors of Saga Falabella, San Isidro, 2017; In a sample of type intensional, composed of 62 vendors of different brands of Saga Falabella. For the research the UWES-17 test (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, adapted to Peru by Ritzy Cárdenas was used as an instrument; The information was processed with the SPSS 22 and Ms Excel 2016 programs.) The following results were found: 42% of the average level of engagement to work in vendors was obtained. Therefore, it is inferred that the predominant level in the vendors of Saga Falabella, San Isidro, is the average level. As for its dimensions: in the dedication dimension, 29% of the low level was obtained; In the Vigor dimension, 39% of the low level was obtained; Finally, in the absorption dimension, 32% of the high level was obtained
Compromiso, Trabajo, Dedicación, Vigor, Absorción, Vendedores, Engagement, Work, Dedication, Vigor, Absorption, Vendors