Manejo de las contrataciones Públicas del fondo de salud de la PNP, y el perjucio economico a empresas proveedoras durante el periodo 2006 y el 2007
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Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Fondo de Salud de la Policía Nacional del Perú, como encarga de las adquisiciones de todos los componentes médicos para el correcto funcionamiento del Hospital de Policía y los demás centros médicos dependientes, son funcionalmente operativos dependiendo básicamente de la manera de abastecimiento oportuno de medicinas provenientes del FOSPOLIS.
Pero debido al manejo irregular de las contrataciones y adquisiciones por el Área de Logística de la Sanidad de la PNP. las compras de medicinas y equipo
médico, realizadas en los años 2006 y 2007, fueron cuestionadas y no fueron canceladas a los proveedores, debido a la falta de cumplimiento de los procedimientos establecidos en la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado; cuyos procedimientos básicamente está enfocada a la adquisición de un productos usando para tal efecto la pluralidad de postores, quienes deben ceñirse estrictamente a las reglas de juego que pone la institución lo que se denomina las Bases Administrativas del proceso, en cuyo contenido se consigna el objeto del proceso, es decir que se tiene que comprar, el valor referencial del mismo, o sea el costo de los que se quiere adquirir, donde los postores ofertaran su mejor propuesta, para ello también deberán cumplir con los requisitos establecidos en las bases administrativas, por lo que el postor deberá presentar dos propuestas en dos sobres distintos, la primera la propuesta técnica y la segunda la propuesta económica, para ello la institución tiene que haber nombrado previamente un comité especial, los mismos que son encargados de formular las bases administrativas y publicarlas; asimismo el proceso de selección tiene que estar incluido en el Plan Anual de Contrataciones que tiene cada entidad para el año en curso, significando al respecto que en el contenido de las bases se tiene que detallar las especificaciones y las características técnicas de lo que se tiene que adquirir, para lo que necesariamente se deben considerar factores y criterios de evaluación a los postores, los mismos que luego de ser evaluados pasaran a la segunda fase que es la evaluación de su propuesta económica, pero en todo proceso público es necesarios la presencia del Notario Público, es decir en las Licitaciones Públicas, Concursos Públicos, Adjudicaciones Directas Publicas; y en el caso de Adjudicaciones Directas Selectivas y Adjudicaciones de Menor Cuantía, no es necesario la presencia de un Notario Público La segunda fase de esta calificación se inicia con la apertura del sobre de la propuesta económica, para determinar el monto de la mejor oferta y así con la sumatoria del resultado de las dos propuestas se establecerá que postor es el ganador. Continuando con el procedimiento, se le otorga un plazo determinado de acuerdo a ley, al ganador de la buena pro, a fin de que cumpla con presentar la documentación para la firma del contrato y se le expida la Orden de Compra o la Orden de Servicio y luego recién del cumplimiento del contrato, es decir cuando se cumplió con entregar el bien y existe la conformidad de la misma, se procede con el pago. BPero en este caso, las contrataciones se realizaron de manera irregular, no cumpliéndose ningún procedimiento y que por el contrario no realizaban proceso de selección alguno, sino que directamente pedían al proveedor que se interne los productos, sin las formalidades de ley, y que en algunos casos cancelaban el costo del producto y en otros no les cancelaban, es por ello que el personal involucrado vienen siendo procesados. los que hechos irregulares de esa naturaleza, causan graves problemas de abastecimiento de medicinas en los centros médicos de la policía, por consiguiente graves perjuicios en agravio de los pacientes y todo el personal usuario de dichos centros médicos, el tema fundamental es el desabastecimiento de medicina por el irregular procedimiento llevado a cabo para las adquisiciones de los mismos; asimismo se considera que las irregularidades cometidas en el manejo de los fondos públicos por los funcionarios del Fondo de Salud de la PNP, en agravio de Empresas proveedoras del Estado, al haber realizado contrataciones sin previo
proceso a selección conforme lo estipula norma; es por ello que surge la necesidad
de capacitar a los funcionarios a fin de evitar situaciones de esta naturaleza y
además el Manual de Procedimiento en las Contrataciones y Adquisiciones de la Policía Nacional del Perú, debe ser diseñado con el objeto de contar con un sistema transparentes de Adquisiciones y contrataciones estatales asegurando el conocimiento de la normatividad publica a fin de lograr el uso óptimo de los recursos públicos asignados a la PNP. de conformidad a la normativa.
Health Fund of the National Police of Peru, as responsible for the procurement of all medical components for the proper functioning of the Police Hospital and other dependent medical centers, are functionally operational depending basically on the timely supply of medicines from the FOSPOLIS. But due to irregular handling of procurement and procurement by the Health Logistics Area of the PNP. Purchases of medicines and equipment Medical, performed in 2006 and 2007, were questioned and were not canceled to the suppliers, due to the lack of compliance with the procedures established in the Law on State Contracting; Whose procedures are basically focused on the acquisition of a product using the plurality of bidders for that purpose, who must strictly adhere to the rules of the game that the institution puts what are called the Administrative Basis of the process, in which content the object Of the process, that is to say, the reference value of the process, ie the cost of the ones to be acquired, where the bidders will offer their best proposal, for this they must also comply with the requirements established in the administrative bases, So that the bidder must submit two proposals in two different envelopes, the first the technical proposal and the second the economic proposal, for that the institution must have previously appointed a special committee, the same are responsible for formulating the administrative bases and publish them; Also the selection process has to be included in the Annual Plan of Contracts that each entity has for the current year, meaning in this respect that the content of the bases has to detail the specifications and technical characteristics of what you have To acquire, for which it is necessary to consider factors and evaluation criteria to the bidders, the same ones that after being evaluated move on to the second phase, which is the evaluation of their economic proposal, but in any public process, the presence of the Notary Public, that is to say in the Public Tenders, Public Contests, Public Direct Adjudications; And in the case of Selective Direct Adjudications and Minor Adjudications, the presence of a Notary Public is not necessary. The second phase of this qualification begins with the opening of the envelope of the economic proposal, to determine the amount of the best offer and So with the sum of the results of the two proposals will be established that the bidder is the winner. Continuing with the procedure, you are granted a period determined according to law, the winner of the good pro, in order to comply with submitting the documentation for signing the contract and issued the Purchase Order or Service Order And then just the fulfillment of the contract, that is to say when it was fulfilled with delivering the good and exists the conformity of the same, proceed with the payment. In this case, contracting was carried out in an irregular manner, not complying with any procedure and on the contrary did not carry out any selection process, but directly asked the supplier to enter the products, without the formalities of law, and in Some cases canceled the cost of the product and in others they were not canceled, that is why the personnel involved are being processed. The irregularities of this nature cause serious problems of supply of medicines in the medical centers of the police, consequently serious harm to patients and all the personnel of these medical centers, the fundamental issue is the shortage of medicine By the irregular procedure carried out for the acquisitions thereof; It is also considered that the irregularities committed in the management of public funds by PNP Health Fund officials, to the detriment of State-providing Companies, having contracted without previous Selection process as stipulated by standard; That is why the need arises Training of officials in order to avoid situations of this nature and In addition, the Procurement Procedures Manual of the Peruvian National Police must be designed with the purpose of having a transparent system of State procurement and contracting, ensuring the knowledge of the public regulations in order to achieve the optimal use of Public resources allocated to the PNP. In accordance with the regulations.
Health Fund of the National Police of Peru, as responsible for the procurement of all medical components for the proper functioning of the Police Hospital and other dependent medical centers, are functionally operational depending basically on the timely supply of medicines from the FOSPOLIS. But due to irregular handling of procurement and procurement by the Health Logistics Area of the PNP. Purchases of medicines and equipment Medical, performed in 2006 and 2007, were questioned and were not canceled to the suppliers, due to the lack of compliance with the procedures established in the Law on State Contracting; Whose procedures are basically focused on the acquisition of a product using the plurality of bidders for that purpose, who must strictly adhere to the rules of the game that the institution puts what are called the Administrative Basis of the process, in which content the object Of the process, that is to say, the reference value of the process, ie the cost of the ones to be acquired, where the bidders will offer their best proposal, for this they must also comply with the requirements established in the administrative bases, So that the bidder must submit two proposals in two different envelopes, the first the technical proposal and the second the economic proposal, for that the institution must have previously appointed a special committee, the same are responsible for formulating the administrative bases and publish them; Also the selection process has to be included in the Annual Plan of Contracts that each entity has for the current year, meaning in this respect that the content of the bases has to detail the specifications and technical characteristics of what you have To acquire, for which it is necessary to consider factors and evaluation criteria to the bidders, the same ones that after being evaluated move on to the second phase, which is the evaluation of their economic proposal, but in any public process, the presence of the Notary Public, that is to say in the Public Tenders, Public Contests, Public Direct Adjudications; And in the case of Selective Direct Adjudications and Minor Adjudications, the presence of a Notary Public is not necessary. The second phase of this qualification begins with the opening of the envelope of the economic proposal, to determine the amount of the best offer and So with the sum of the results of the two proposals will be established that the bidder is the winner. Continuing with the procedure, you are granted a period determined according to law, the winner of the good pro, in order to comply with submitting the documentation for signing the contract and issued the Purchase Order or Service Order And then just the fulfillment of the contract, that is to say when it was fulfilled with delivering the good and exists the conformity of the same, proceed with the payment. In this case, contracting was carried out in an irregular manner, not complying with any procedure and on the contrary did not carry out any selection process, but directly asked the supplier to enter the products, without the formalities of law, and in Some cases canceled the cost of the product and in others they were not canceled, that is why the personnel involved are being processed. The irregularities of this nature cause serious problems of supply of medicines in the medical centers of the police, consequently serious harm to patients and all the personnel of these medical centers, the fundamental issue is the shortage of medicine By the irregular procedure carried out for the acquisitions thereof; It is also considered that the irregularities committed in the management of public funds by PNP Health Fund officials, to the detriment of State-providing Companies, having contracted without previous Selection process as stipulated by standard; That is why the need arises Training of officials in order to avoid situations of this nature and In addition, the Procurement Procedures Manual of the Peruvian National Police must be designed with the purpose of having a transparent system of State procurement and contracting, ensuring the knowledge of the public regulations in order to achieve the optimal use of Public resources allocated to the PNP. In accordance with the regulations.
Fondo de salud, Contrataciones públicas, Adjudicaciones directas, Proveedores, Health fund, Public procurement, Direct awards, Suppliers