Niveles de dependencia emocional hacia la pareja en los estudiantes de psicología de una Universidad Privada de Lima
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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental determinar los niveles de la dependencia emocional hacia la pareja en los estudiantes de Psicología de una Universidad Privada de Lima.
De acuerdo con el propósito de la investigación presenta un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo con un diseño no experimental – transversal. La población fue de 1100 alumnos pertenecientes al semestre 2017- II, de la cual se obtuvo una muestra conformada por 181 estudiantes (136 mujeres y 45 hombres). La muestra fue no probabilística por conveniencia. Y para el recojo de información se hizo uso del Inventario de Dependencia Emocional (IDE) del autor Jesús Aiquipa.
Finalmente, en cuanto a los resultados, la suma total con respecto a la presencia de dependencia emocional fue de un 47.6%, siendo así, los niveles moderado (13.3%), alto (12.2%), luego de un significativo (leve) (22.1%). Y los niveles que más sobresalieron fueron el nivel moderado y el nivel alto
The main objective of this research is to determine the levels of emotional dependency towards the couple in the Psychology students of a Private University of Lima. According to the purpose of the research, it presents a descriptive quantitative approach with a non - experimental - transversal design. The population was 1100 students belonging to the 2017- II semester, from which a sample was obtained consisting of 181 students (136 women and 45 men). The sample was non-probabilistic for convenience. And for the collection of information was made use of the Inventory of Emotional Dependence (IDE) of the author Jesus Aiquipa. Finally, regarding the results, the total sum with respect to the presence of emotional dependence was 47.6%, being thus, the levels moderate (13.3%), high (12.2%), after a significant (slight) (22.1%). And the levels that stood out were the moderate level and the high level
The main objective of this research is to determine the levels of emotional dependency towards the couple in the Psychology students of a Private University of Lima. According to the purpose of the research, it presents a descriptive quantitative approach with a non - experimental - transversal design. The population was 1100 students belonging to the 2017- II semester, from which a sample was obtained consisting of 181 students (136 women and 45 men). The sample was non-probabilistic for convenience. And for the collection of information was made use of the Inventory of Emotional Dependence (IDE) of the author Jesus Aiquipa. Finally, regarding the results, the total sum with respect to the presence of emotional dependence was 47.6%, being thus, the levels moderate (13.3%), high (12.2%), after a significant (slight) (22.1%). And the levels that stood out were the moderate level and the high level
Dependencia emocional hacia la pareja, Necesidad afectiva, Estudiantes universitarios, Psicología, Niveles, Emotional dependence towards the couple, Affective need, University students, Psychology, Levels